The database TABVERK
SND-ID: ext0084-1.
Is part of collection at SND: SwedPop
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Umeå university, Demographic database
Research principal
Umeå University
- Demographic database
The database TABVERK contains population statistics in the Swedish parishes during the period 1749-1859. It constitutes the earliest population statistics throughout the world making it a unique source. Merely in Finland, a similar time serial of data exists. The database gathers all the information about the parishes’ populations that Swedish clergymens filled out in large forms of tables which were reported to the Tabellkommissionen in Stockholm. Now this information is accessible through the agency of the Demographic Data Base.
The database contain information on births, deaths, marriage, and occupation. The population is describe by sex, age, civil status, and by occupation and social status every fifth year. Yearly statistics is given about the demographical events, fertility, mortality and nuptiality, as well as migrations in the 19th century. The statistics in Tabellverket (TABVERK) enable demographical studies from several angles on both local and regional level in Sweden during the pre-industrial society.
TABVERK holds an online search tool called SHiPS (Swedish Historical Populatio
The database contain information on births, deaths, marriage, and occupation. The population is describe by sex, age, civil status, and by occupation and social status every fifth year. Yearly statistics is given about the demographical events, fertility, mortality and nuptiality, as well as migrations in the 19th century. The statistics in Tabellverket (TABVERK) enable demographical studies from several angles on both local and regional level in Sweden during the pre-industrial society.
TABVERK holds an online search tool called SHiPS (Swedish Historical Population Statistics), which can be reached and utilized from the home page of the Demographic Data Base.
The Demographic Database (DDB) is a special unit at Umeå University with activities focused on two main areas: data production and research. DDB creates and makes available population databases, mainly based on historical information in parish registers during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time period(s) investigated
1749 – 1859
Geographic spread
Geographic description: Hela Sverige
Responsible department/unit
Demographic database
Research area
History (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Demography (population, vital statistics, and censuses) (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Censuses (CESSDA Topic Classification)