Children and Young i Scania 2012
SND-ID: ext0063-1.
Is part of collection at SND: Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)
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Mathias Grahn
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Mathias Grahn - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Maria Rosvall - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Birgit Modén - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Ann-Christine Lundkvist - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Patrik Runesson - Kommunförbundet skåne
... Show more..Mathias Grahn - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Maria Rosvall - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Birgit Modén - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Ann-Christine Lundkvist - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Patrik Runesson - Kommunförbundet skåne
Ingela Sjöberg - Kommunförbundet skåne
Show less..Research principal
In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33 municipalities in Skåne. In total, close to 30,000 students in Skåne answered . The study was conducted by Region Skåne in cooperation with the Municipality association of Skåne. The students answered the questionnaires anonymously, and questions were asked about school, family, health, leisure habits, diet, alcohol and tobacco. A number of the questions are also included in various national surveys, allowing for national comparisons with similar age students.
The purpose of the Public Health Survey "Children and Youth in Scania" is to get a current picture of the living conditions, lifestyles, social factors and health among children and adolescents in southern Sweden today. How our children and young people are doing and living are also important for the future of public health in Scania. Knowledge of health determinants, distribution of health in the population and the current state of health of our children and young people i
The purpose of the Public Health Survey "Children and Youth in Scania" is to get a current picture of the living conditions, lifestyles, social factors and health among children and adolescents in southern Sweden today. How our children and young people are doing and living are also important for the future of public health in Scania. Knowledge of health determinants, distribution of health in the population and the current state of health of our children and young people in Scania is necessary to work effectively in public health and in order to monitor progress over time. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Time period(s) investigated
2012-03 – 2012-03
Response rate/participation rate
Åk 6: Antal individer 9650, Svarsfrekvens/deltagarfrekvens 85%
Åk: 9 Antal individer 9791, Svarsfrekvens/deltagarfrekvens 83%
Gy åk 2: Antal individer 9987, Svarsfrekvens/deltagarfrekvens 72%
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic description: Scania
Research area
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Public health, global health, social medicine and epidemiology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Living conditions, Drinking behaviour, Alcoholism, Smoking, Social security, Sexual behavior, Physical activities, Television viewing, Sleep, Contraceptive devices, Obesity, Public health, Mental health, Demography, Accidents, Epidemiologic studies, Population surveillance, Hearing loss, Risk factors, Overweight, Diet, Asthma, Eczema, Surveys and questionnaires, Narcotics, Interpersonal relations, Tobacco, smokeless, Social support, Nicotiana, Hypersensitivity, Teachers, Schools, Social participation, Truancy, Leisure time activities, Underage drinking, Feeding behavior, Crime and security, Epihealth_skåne, Scania, Epihealth