GoArt Database
SND-ID: ext0036-1.
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Johan Norrback
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Johan Norrback - University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Organ Art Center
University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Organ Art Center
Research principal
University of Gothenburg
- Göteborg Organ Art Center
GOArt (Göteborg Organ Art Center) is a research center that specializes in integrated studies of instruments and performance. The pipe organ and its related keyboard instruments - the clavichord, harpsichord, harmonium, and fortepiano - form the research field. The organ database system was developed 1995 - 2000. The main goal was to create a database structure in which it is possible to store both technical and historical information on organs. In addition to storing information on organs, it was important to be able to store information on archive documents and persons related to the instruments. The database thus consists of four main parts, divided into: technical information about the organs, historical information, other archival data, and information about persons linked to the organs. This structure makes it possible to select a certain point of time in history and to trace the historical process, in the database stored as a network between organs, documents, and persons. The user can navigate backwards or forwards in time and will always be informed about connections between organs, d
... Show more..The purpose of the database has been to serve as a documentation tool for results from research as well as a tool for analysis and evaluation. The database is also a source of information for future research projects.
There are at present more than 200 historical Swedish organs, 870 archive documents and 1900 person records in the database.
The purpose of the database has been to serve as a documentation tool for results from research as well as a tool for analysis and evaluation. The collection of data to the database helps to preserve a unique Swedish cultural heritage for posterity, thus supporting sustainable development. The database information may help curators to make decisions with financial implications, as it may provide a basis for assessing the need and value of measures. The database will also contribute to the documentation and inventory of parts of organs that are unique and protected by the Antiquities Act. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Responsible department/unit
Göteborg Organ Art Center
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Society and culture (CESSDA Topic Classification)
History (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Musicology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)