The OLIN-studies - The OLIN studies

SND-ID: ext0017-1.

Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Eva Rönmark - Umeå university, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Anne Lindberg - Umeå university, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Bo Lundbäck - University of Gothenburg, Department of Internal Medicine

Research principal

Umeå University - Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine rorId


The Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) Studies, is a research program ongoing since 1985. It includes descriptive, analytic and interventional epidemiologic research on asthma, allergy, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The infrastructure contains data from more than 50,000 subjects from Norrbotten in ages 7-91 years. The overall aim includes identifying risk factors for the conditions in order to create possibilities for prevention. The studies are multidisciplinary and cover traditional and molecular epidemiology and clinical research as well as research about cellular mechanisms, proteomics and genetics. The aim of the current project is managing and care of the large and growing infrastructure. New data are collected continuously as most studies are of prospective nature.


To identify risk factors for asthma, allergy, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in order to create possibilities for prevention.

Data contains personal data


Sensitive personal data


Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 7-91 years and residing in Norrbotten

Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Physical measurements and tests
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1985-01-01 – 2010-12-31
  • Source of the data: Population group

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1985-01-01 – 2010-12-31
  • Source of the data: Population group

Data collection 3

  • Mode of collection: Face-to-face interview
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1985-01-01 – 2010-12-31
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine


Region Norrbotten


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Lundbäck B, Nyström L, Rosenhall L, Stjernberg N. Obstructive lung disease in northern Sweden: respiratory symptoms assessed in a postal survey. Eur Respir J. 1991 Mar;4(3):257-66.

Lundbäck B, Stjernberg N, Rosenhall L, Lindström M, Jönsson E, Andersson S. Methacholine reactivity and asthma. Report from the Northern Sweden Obstructive Lung Disease Project. Allergy. 1993 Feb;48(2):117-24.

Rönmark E, Lundbäck B, Jönsson E, Jonsson AC, Lindström M, Sandström T. Incidence of asthma in adults--report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Study. Allergy. 1997 Nov;52(11):1071-8.

Rönmark E, Jönsson E, Lundbäck B. Remission of asthma in the middle aged and elderly: report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden study. Thorax. 1999 Jul;54(7):611-3.

Rönmark E, Jönsson E, Platts-Mills T, Lundbäck B. Incidence and remission of asthma in schoolchildren: report from the obstructive lung disease in northern Sweden studies. Pediatrics. 2001 Mar;107(3):E37.

Perzanowski MS, Rönmark E, Platts-Mills TA, Lundbäck B. Effect of cat and dog ownership on sensitization and development of asthma among preteenage children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002 Sep 1;166(5):696-702.

Rönmark E, Perzanowski M, Platts-Mills T, Lundbäck B; Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Study Group. Four-year incidence of allergic sensitization among schoolchildren in a community where allergy to cat and dog dominates sensitization: report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Study Group. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;112(4):747-54.

Lundbäck B, Lindberg A, Lindström M, Rönmark E, Jonsson AC, Jönsson E, Larsson LG, Andersson S, Sandström T, Larsson K; Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Studies. Not 15 but 50% of smokers develop COPD?--Report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden Studies. Respir Med. 2003 Feb;97(2):115-22.

Lindberg A, Jonsson AC, Rönmark E, Lundgren R, Larsson LG, Lundbäck B. Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease according to BTS, ERS, GOLD and ATS criteria in relation to doctor's diagnosis, symptoms, age, gender, and smoking habits. Respiration. 2005 Sep-Oct;72(5):471-9.

Lindberg A, Eriksson B, Larsson LG, Rönmark E, Sandström T, Lundbäck B. Seven-year cumulative incidence of COPD in an age-stratified general population sample. Chest. 2006 Apr;129(4):879-85.

Lindberg A, Jonsson AC, Rönmark E, Lundgren R, Larsson LG, Lundbäck B. Ten-year cumulative incidence of COPD and risk factors for incident disease in a symptomatic cohort. Chest. 2005 May;127(5):1544-52.

Lundbäck B, Eriksson B, Lindberg A, Ekerljung L, Muellerova H, Larsson LG, Rönmark E. A 20-year follow-up of a population study-based COPD cohort-report from the obstructive lung disease in Northern Sweden studies. COPD 2009 Aug;6(4):263-71.
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Jansson SA, Lindberg A, Ericsson A, Borg S, Rönmark E, Andersson F, Lundbäck B. Cost differences for COPD with and without physician-diagnosis. COPD 2005 Dec;2(4):427-34.

Jansson SA, Rönmark E, Forsberg B, Löfgren C, Lindberg A, Lundbäck B. The economic consequences of asthma among adults in Sweden. Respir Med. 2007 Nov;101(11):2263-70.