Inventories of the benthic fauna on Swedish West coast

SND-ID: ecds0158-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Kennet Lundin - The Gothenburg Museum of Natural History

Matthias Obst - University of Gothenburg

Research principal

University of Gothenburg rorId


Data have been compiled from both historical and more recent inventories of the benthic fauna on the Swedish west coast. This catalogue post contains data from four different inventories:
- The Jägerskiöld expedition, conducted between the year 1921 and 1938, is the oldest inventory and was generated by L.A. Jägerskiöld. A total of 440 localities were visited, usually between spring and autumn.
- The Pandalina survey on the Swedish west coast, 2005-2010.
- Morups Bank's inventory, 2005.
- Lilla Middelgrund och Fladen's inventory, 2005.

Jägerskiöld inventory,1921-1938
Originator: Jägerskiöld, L.A. 1971
Acta reg. soc. scient. litt. goth. Zoologica 6
Number of records: 33661

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Data have been compiled from both historical and more recent inventories of the benthic fauna on the Swedish west coast. This catalogue post contains data from four different inventories:
- The Jägerskiöld expedition, conducted between the year 1921 and 1938, is the oldest inventory and was generated by L.A. Jägerskiöld. A total of 440 localities were visited, usually between spring and autumn.
- The Pandalina survey on the Swedish west coast, 2005-2010.
- Morups Bank's inventory, 2005.
- Lilla Middelgrund och Fladen's inventory, 2005.

Jägerskiöld inventory,1921-1938
Originator: Jägerskiöld, L.A. 1971
Acta reg. soc. scient. litt. goth. Zoologica 6
Number of records: 33661
Contents: species names, collection localities, habitat descriptions, date, collector, depth, sampling method, field notes
Format: tabular
Sample fraction: all multicellular organisms >1 mm were sampled.
Access to sampled material: all samples stored at Gothenburg Natural History Museum, Sweden
Preservation: ethanol
Extensions: min_date 1920-06-13, max_date 1939-08-15, min_latitude 56.17236667, max_latitude 59.10453333, min_longitude 9.65000, max_longitude 12.93693333.

Pandalina inventory, 2005-2010
Originator: Swedish Taxonomy Initiative
Number of records: 13528
Contents: species names, collection localities, habitat descriptions, date, collector, depth, sampling method (under measurementRemarks), field notes
Format: tabular
Sample fraction: all multicellular organisms >1 mm were sampled. Access to sampled material: all samples stored at Gothenburg Natural History Museum, Sweden
Preservation: ethanol
Extensions: min_date 2005-06-09, max_date 2010-09-08, min_latitude 59.00000, max_latitude 55.86096, min_longitude 10.13345, max_longitude 12.76311.

Morups Bank inventory, 2005
Originator: Swedish Taxonomy Initiative
Number of records: 810
Contents: species names, collection localities, habitat descriptions, date, collector, depth, sampling method (under measurementRemarks), field notes
Format: tabular. Sample fraction: all multicellular organisms >1 mm were sampled
Access to sampled material: all samples stored at Gothenburg Natural History Museum, Sweden
Preservation: ethanol
Extensions: min_date 2005-09-06, max_date 2010-09-08, min_latitude 52.84, max_latitude 50.95000, min_longitude 11.3100, max_longitude 18.8000

Lilla Middelgrund and Fladen inventory, 2005
Originator: Swedish Taxonomy Initiative
Number of records: 2911
Contents: species names, collection localities, habitat descriptions, date, collector, depth, sampling method (under measurementRemarks), field notes.
Format: tabular
Sample fraction: all multicellular organisms >1 mm were sampled
Access to sampled material: all samples stored at Gothenburg Natural History Museum, Sweden
Preservation: ethanol
Extensions: min_date 2005-06-09, max_date 2010-06-17, min_latitude 55.8600, max_latitude 59.1100, min_longitude 9.6500, max_longitude 12.9400 Show less..

Data contains personal data


Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

1920-06-13 – 2010-09-08

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic description: Swedish west coast

Administrative information


ECDS-id: 01d148f8-f87c-47e3-adfc-c10619f6e9a1

ECDS-id: 899a7344-be36-4756-9d59-3440c2a2758c

Topic and keywords

Research area

Earth and related environmental sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Biota (INSPIRE topic categories)


Obst M, Vicario S, Lundin K, Berggren M, Karlsson A, Haines R, Williams A, Goble C, Mathew C, Güntsch A (2017) Marine long-term biodiversity assessment suggests loss of rare species in the Skagerrak and Kattegat region. Marine Biodiversity. DOI:10.1007/s12526-017-0749-5

Published: 2018-09-07
Last updated: 2019-01-29