Data for: A longitudinal study of the dynamics of Mycoplasma bovis antibody status in primiparous cows and bulk tank milk in Swedish dairy herds

SND-ID: 2024-56. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Emma Hurri - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences orcid

Madeleine Tråvén - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences orcid

Research principal

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Clinical Sciences rorId

Principal's reference number



In this study the aims were: (1) to monitor the changes in M. bovis antibody status in BTM and milk from PP cows in Swedish dairy herds over time, and (2) to investigate potential risk factors and herd health variables associated with M. bovis antibodies in primiparous cows.

Study population
Five regions in the south of Sweden with previously knowned cases of M. bovis were selected for the study. Dairy herds from these regions with an average of more than 70 cows (both lactating and dry) on a yearly basis and affiliated to the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) database (Växa Sverige) were invited to participate in the study. 139 herds accepted and ten herds joined later due to contact with infected herds or diagnosing Mycoplasma bovis at the herd. In total, 143 herds were used in the statistical analysis, six herds had no samples from primiparous cows and were dropped.

Herds were sampled four times with approximately six-month intervals, in (1) September 2019, (2) February 2020, (3) November 2020 and (4) May 2021, with a two-month long sampling window each time. For each herd, on each sa

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In this study the aims were: (1) to monitor the changes in M. bovis antibody status in BTM and milk from PP cows in Swedish dairy herds over time, and (2) to investigate potential risk factors and herd health variables associated with M. bovis antibodies in primiparous cows.

Study population
Five regions in the south of Sweden with previously knowned cases of M. bovis were selected for the study. Dairy herds from these regions with an average of more than 70 cows (both lactating and dry) on a yearly basis and affiliated to the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) database (Växa Sverige) were invited to participate in the study. 139 herds accepted and ten herds joined later due to contact with infected herds or diagnosing Mycoplasma bovis at the herd. In total, 143 herds were used in the statistical analysis, six herds had no samples from primiparous cows and were dropped.

Herds were sampled four times with approximately six-month intervals, in (1) September 2019, (2) February 2020, (3) November 2020 and (4) May 2021, with a two-month long sampling window each time. For each herd, on each sampling occasion, milk samples were collected from the three youngest home-bred PP cows and BTM.

Herd-level data on health and production variables were retrieved from the Dairy Herd Improvement database, Växa Sverige. The data were aggregated in four 12-month periods calculated backwards from the start of each sampling period, (1) 2019-09-01, (2) 2020-02-01, (3) 2020-11-01 and (4) 2021-05-01. Data regarding mortality, culling rates, reproductive performance, and veterinary-reported clinical diseases were calculated as cases per 100 animals at risk. Breed was classified into four categories on herd level, the main breed constituting more than 80% of the cows. Herd-level data in 12-month periods regarding herd size (i.e., number of female animals >24 months old), number of introduced cattle, median age of introduced cattle, and number of herds the introduced cattle were received from (inherds) were collected from the National Cattle Database (Swedish Board of Agriculture 2022). Data on herd size (number of milking cows) in fifteen herds not affiliated with the DHI were retrieved from a questionnaire answered by these farmers during autumn 2020. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Herd-level data pertaining to individual farmers whose identities are pseudonymised

Code key exists


Data contain other protected information

Yes: Data from the Dairy herd improvement database with detailed information about health and production at participating dairy herds


Method and outcome


Study population
Five regions in the south of Sweden with previously knowned cases of M. bovis were selected for the study. Dairy herds from these regions with an average of more than 70 cows (both lactating and dry) on a yearly basis and affiliated to the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) database (Växa Sverige) were invited to participate in the study. 139 herds accepted and ten herds joined later due to contact with infected herds or diagnosing Mycoplasma bovis at the herd. In total, 143 herds were used in the statistical analysis, six herds had no samples from primiparous cows and were dropped.

Time Method

Study design

Observational study

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Availability
Invitation letter to participate in the study

Time period(s) investigated

2019-09-01 – 2021-08-31



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Registry extract and/or access to biobank sample
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data withdrawal from the National Cattle database (CDB)
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2018-09-01 – 2022-02-28
  • Data collector: Swedish Board of Agriculture rorId
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Registry extract and/or access to biobank sample
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data withdrawal from the Dairy Herd Improvement database, aggregated at herd-level. Växa Sverige.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2018-09-01 – 2022-02-28
  • Data collector: Växa Sverige
  • Sample size: 149
  • Non response size: 6
  • Cause of non response - Respondent unable to participate:
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 3

  • Mode of collection: Biological tests
  • Description of the mode of collection:
    Withdrawal of bulk tank milk and individual milk samples from the milk quality laboratory Eurofins in Jönköping. The milk samples were sent to KV-lab at SLU for further analysis.
    In addition som farm owners collected milk from primiparous cows and sent by postal service to KV-lab at SLU.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2019-09-01 – 2021-08-31
  • Data collector: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences rorId
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Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Registry extract and/or access to biobank sample
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data withdrawal from the National Cattle database (CDB)
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2018-09-01 – 2022-02-28
  • Data collector: Swedish Board of Agriculture rorId
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Registry extract and/or access to biobank sample
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data withdrawal from the Dairy Herd Improvement database, aggregated at herd-level. Växa Sverige.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2018-09-01 – 2022-02-28
  • Data collector: Växa Sverige
  • Sample size: 149
  • Non response size: 6
  • Cause of non response - Respondent unable to participate:
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 3

  • Mode of collection: Biological tests
  • Description of the mode of collection:
    Withdrawal of bulk tank milk and individual milk samples from the milk quality laboratory Eurofins in Jönköping. The milk samples were sent to KV-lab at SLU for further analysis.
    In addition som farm owners collected milk from primiparous cows and sent by postal service to KV-lab at SLU.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2019-09-01 – 2021-08-31
  • Data collector: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences rorId

Data collection 4

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Description of the mode of collection: Questionnaire sent to participating herds
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2020-10-01 – 2020-12-31
  • Data collector: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences rorId
  • Source of the data: Research data: Unpublished, Research data
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Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Östergötland County, Kronoberg County, Kalmar County, Skåne County, Halland County, Västra Götaland County

Geographic description: Southern Sweden

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit

County (NUTS 3)

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Clinical Sciences


  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2018/00943
  • Project name on the application: Mycoplasma bovis - increased risk of antimicrobial resistance in Swedish cattle. Herd-level diagnostics and knowledge on epidemiology to prevent transmission

Ethics Review

Uppsala - Ref. 5.8.18-02650/2019

Topic and keywords

Research area

Plants and animals (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Agricultural and veterinary sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Veterinary science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Other veterinary science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Hurri, E., Alvåsen, K., Widgren, S., Ohlson, A., Aspán, A., Pedersen, K. and Tråvén, M. A longitudinal study of the dynamics of Mycoplasma bovis antibody status in primiparous cows and bulk tank milk in Swedish dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science (accepted)


Version 1. 2024-09-18

Version 1: 2024-09-18


Contacts for questions about the data

Published: 2024-09-18
Last updated: 2024-09-19