Data for article: Representations of changing weather conditions and outdoor work in the Swedish media: Legitimization of a risk discourse.

SND-ID: 2024-528. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Bo Nilsson - Umeå University, Department for culture and media studies orcid

Research principal

Umeå University - Department for culture and media studies rorId

Principal's reference number

KM 5.1-51-22


Data for the Formas project Climate adaptation in vulnerable occupational groups. An Ethnographic Study. ID 2022-01841.

The material consists of media material downloaded from the database (Mediearkivet). The database enables searches in 4071 different Swedish media from 1945 onwards (printed media, online media, radio and TV, and podcasts).

Keywords used: Klimatförändringar AND utomhusarbete, storm AND utomhusarbete, nederbörd AND utomhusarbete, klimat AND utomhusarbete, kyla AND utomhusarbete och värme AND utomhusarbete. If translated into English: climate change AND outdoor work, storm AND outdoor work, precipitation (rain and snow) AND outdoor work, climate AND outdoor work, cold AND outdoor work, heat AND outdoor work. Search on all sources and all dates, 1945-2024. Number of hits: 2, 7, 11, 72, 118 and 125 respectively (total 335). Most hits were from 2010 onwards.

Selection: A strategic selection that focused on texts that not only briefly mentioned weather, climate and/or outdoor work, but had these or one of these as central themes.
This selection result

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Data for the Formas project Climate adaptation in vulnerable occupational groups. An Ethnographic Study. ID 2022-01841.

The material consists of media material downloaded from the database (Mediearkivet). The database enables searches in 4071 different Swedish media from 1945 onwards (printed media, online media, radio and TV, and podcasts).

Keywords used: Klimatförändringar AND utomhusarbete, storm AND utomhusarbete, nederbörd AND utomhusarbete, klimat AND utomhusarbete, kyla AND utomhusarbete och värme AND utomhusarbete. If translated into English: climate change AND outdoor work, storm AND outdoor work, precipitation (rain and snow) AND outdoor work, climate AND outdoor work, cold AND outdoor work, heat AND outdoor work. Search on all sources and all dates, 1945-2024. Number of hits: 2, 7, 11, 72, 118 and 125 respectively (total 335). Most hits were from 2010 onwards.

Selection: A strategic selection that focused on texts that not only briefly mentioned weather, climate and/or outdoor work, but had these or one of these as central themes.
This selection resulted in 72 texts (including deleted duplicates). Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Subjects of the research are media representations available in the database (Mediearkivet).

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Purposive
A strategic selection that focused on texts that not only briefly mentioned weather, climate and/or outdoor work, but had these or one of these as important themes. This selection resulted in 72 texts (including deleted duplicates).

Time period(s) investigated

1945-01-01 – 2024-09-01

Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Compilation/Synthesis
  • Description of the mode of collection:
    The material consists of media material downloaded from the database (Mediearkivet). The database enables searches in 4071 different Swedish media from 1945 onwards (printed media, online media, radio and TV, and podcasts).

    Keywords used: Klimatförändringar AND utomhusarbete, storm AND utomhusarbete, nederbörd AND utomhusarbete, klimat AND utomhusarbete, kyla AND utomhusarbete och värme AND utomhusarbete. If translated into English: climate change AND outdoor work, storm AND outdoor work, precipitation (rain and snow) AND outdoor work, climate AND outdoor work, cold AND outdoor work, heat AND outdoor work. Search on all sources and all dates, 1945-2024. Number of hits: 2, 7, 11, 72, 118 and 125 respectively (total 335). Most hits were from 2010 onwards.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2023-01-01 – 2024-09-30
  • Data collector: Umeå University rorId
  • Instrument: (Mediearkivet) (Other) - The database enables searches in 4071 different Swedish media from 1945 onwards (printed media, online media, radio and TV, and podcasts).
  • Sample size: 72
  • Source of the data: Communications: Public, Communications
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: The database enables searches in 4071 different Swedish media from 1945 onwards (printed media, online media, radio and TV, and podcasts).

Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department for culture and media studies


Jenny Lönnroth - Umeå University, Department of culture and media studies


  • Funding agency: Formas rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2022-01841_Formas
  • Project name on the application: Inconspicuous adaption to climate changes in vulnerable occupations. An ethnographic study
  • Funding information: Climate change with strong winds, extensive rainfall and prolonged heat waves represent an increasing challenge for many occupational groups. Construction workers, road workers and care staff are particularly vulnerable groups. This study focuses on the significance of climate change for these occupational groups. The purpose is to investigate the informal climate adaptation that characterizes everyday professional practice. More specifically, the purpose is to explore how professionals’ climate adaptation takes place through the development of new or changed working practices. The purpose is also to investigate how knowledge produced within the project can be implemented in concrete measures for climate adaptation.The study is motivated by the fact that Sweden is late in terms of climate adaptation of the labor market. There is also a lack of knowledge about the importance of informal, everyday experiences of climate adaptation in working life, and of the importance of social and cultural categories for experiences of climate change. According to the present project, this can be understood in terms of cross-cutting challenges between a formal (decision-making) and an informal (everyday) level, as well as between different perspectives on knowledge. The work with climate adaptations of the labor market needs to learn more from concrete professional experiences of climate change, and to consider what gender, ethnicity and age mean for how professionals handle these changes.

Ethics Review

Swedish Ethical Review Authority - Ref. 2023-01215-01

Topic and keywords

Research area

Ethnology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Published: 2024-11-18
Last updated: 2025-01-13