Interview with Erik Sandewall and Liselott Thornell for the book chapter "Linköping University Electronic Press: ett icke-kommersiellt open access-förlag"

SND-ID: 2024-328. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Peter Berkesand - Linköping University

Research principal

Linköping University rorId


Part of the material for the book chapter "Linköping University Electronic Press: ett icke-kommersiellt open access-förlag" is based on Peter Berkesand's interview with Professor Erik Sandewall and Head Librarian Liselotte Thornell. This dataset contains the interview that took place at Linköping University on September 3, 2014, in wma format and converted to mp3 file.

The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND 2024.

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Audio recordings, the invasion of privacy for the individual is considered low


Method and outcome

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage
Administrative information
Topic and keywords

Research area

Media and communications (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Berkesand, P. (2018). Linköping University Electronic Press : ett icke-kommersiellt open access-förlag. In Ett bibliotek i takt med tiden : Linköpings universitetsbibliotek 50 år (pp. 113–136). Retrieved from


Version 1. 2021-05-27

Version 1: 2021-05-27


Contacts for questions about the data

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Published: 2021-05-27
Last updated: 2024-09-02