Council Transcripts

SND-ID: 2024-292. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Marsela Dauti - Uppsala University orcid

Research principal

Uppsala University rorId


Project title: Gender Quotas and the Democratic Quality of Local Decision-Making Processes in Clientelistic Regimes 
Project Acronym: GenderQuotas

Country: Albania

The text file titled “Council Transcripts 2016” refers to the transcripts of council meetings held during August - December 2016.

The text file “Council Transcripts 2018” refers to the transcripts of council meetings held during August - December 2018. The study was conducted in the councils of Durrës, Fier, Korçë, Kukës, Librazhd, Malësi e Madhe, Mat, Pukë, Sarandë, Tiranë, Ura Vajgurore.

Language: Albanian

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Project title: Gender Quotas and the Democratic Quality of Local Decision-Making Processes in Clientelistic Regimes 
Project Acronym: GenderQuotas

Country: Albania

The text file titled “Council Transcripts 2016” refers to the transcripts of council meetings held during August - December 2016.

The text file “Council Transcripts 2018” refers to the transcripts of council meetings held during August - December 2018. The study was conducted in the councils of Durrës, Fier, Korçë, Kukës, Librazhd, Malësi e Madhe, Mat, Pukë, Sarandë, Tiranë, Ura Vajgurore.

Language: Albanian

Organization supporting fieldwork: Women’s Network Equality in Decision-Making (

The first wave of data collection (August - December 2016) was funded by United Nations Development Programme – Albania, contract number ALB-092-2016. The second round of data collection (August - December 2018) was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 792969.

The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND in 2024. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage
Administrative information


Topic and keywords

Research area

Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Published: 2020-03-11
Last updated: 2024-08-22