Halo phenomena observed in the region of Uppsala, Sweden, from 1974 to 1981
SND-ID: 2024-279. Version: 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.57804/jevt-1h60
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Birger Rindert - Uppsala University
Research principal
These observations are not only of interest for meteorologists but even for persons interested in optical events in the atmosphere. Worth to mention here are photographers and people interested in nature. The experience of a brilliant and comprehensive halo phenomena is something one will never forget! Most prominent are special optical events such as multiple halo or mirage. I here refer to August 21, 1974, a halo display with seven components.
I strongly recommend the following scientific article describing the types of well formed ice crystals necessary to create the observed halo components. The author of the article was one of my teachers at Uppsala University:
Liljequist, G. H. 1956. Halo-phenomena and ice-crystals. Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition, 1949-52: Scientific Results, Vol. II, Part 2A, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo.
The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND in 2024.
Data contains personal data
Research area
Meteorology and atmospheric sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Halo phenomena, Halo components, Optical phenomena, Observations