Data on Stop Codon Usage in Bacteria and Its Correlation with Release Factor Abundance
SND-ID: 2024-189. Version: 1. DOI:
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Alternative title
Comprehensive Analysis of Stop Codon Usage in Bacteria and Its Correlation with Release Factor Abundance
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Gürkan Korkmaz
- Uppsala University
Research principal
Datafiles contain:
1) Complete data set of stop codon usage of all analyzed sequences as described in the publication "Comprehensive Analysis of Stop Codon Usage in Bacteria and Its Correlation with Release Factor Abundance" by Korkmaz et al (2014).
2) The Java program that was used for the analysis of the coding sequences. Execute the file in Program\ProjectStopCodonCounter\dist
The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND in 2024.
Data contains personal data
Data format / data structure
Research area
Biochemistry and molecular biology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Korkmaz, G., Holm, M., Wiens, T., & Sanyal, S. (2014). Comprehensive Analysis of Stop Codon Usage in Bacteria and Its Correlation with Release Factor Abundance. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(44), 30334–30342.