Patients' experiences of breathlessness - from an ambulance care perspective

SND-ID: 2024-149.

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Wivica Kauppi - University of Borås orcid

Research principal

University of Borås - PreHospen, Centre for prehospital research rorId


Individual lifeworld interviews involving 14 participants (12 women and 2 men). Inclusion criteria: being at least 18 years old, not suffering from any form of memory impairment from the time of care, experiencing severe breathlessness prompting ambulance care, and speaking fluent Swedish.

This phenomenological study is based on the Reflective Lifeworld Research (RLR) approach, as described by Dahlberg, Dahlberg, and Nyström (2008). The aim of the RLR approach is to describe meanings according to the phenomenon studied. A lifeworld interview is phenomenon-oriented, which means that the focus is on the meanings of lived experiences. In line with the RLR approach, the interviews were initiated by inviting the participants to talk about their experience of the phenomenon. The interviews started with the question: “The day when you or another person next to you contacted the ambulance, can you describe how it felt to experience breathlessness?” Thereafter, follow-up questions further explored the phenomenon, such as “What do you mean by … ”, “Can you describe it more?” and “How did you feel in t

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Individual lifeworld interviews involving 14 participants (12 women and 2 men). Inclusion criteria: being at least 18 years old, not suffering from any form of memory impairment from the time of care, experiencing severe breathlessness prompting ambulance care, and speaking fluent Swedish.

This phenomenological study is based on the Reflective Lifeworld Research (RLR) approach, as described by Dahlberg, Dahlberg, and Nyström (2008). The aim of the RLR approach is to describe meanings according to the phenomenon studied. A lifeworld interview is phenomenon-oriented, which means that the focus is on the meanings of lived experiences. In line with the RLR approach, the interviews were initiated by inviting the participants to talk about their experience of the phenomenon. The interviews started with the question: “The day when you or another person next to you contacted the ambulance, can you describe how it felt to experience breathlessness?” Thereafter, follow-up questions further explored the phenomenon, such as “What do you mean by … ”, “Can you describe it more?” and “How did you feel in that situation?. The interviews lasted between 15 and 50 minutes (median 30 min.).

Reference: Dahlberg, K., Dahlberg, H., & Nyström, M. (2008). Reflective lifeworld research. (2 ed.). Lund: Studentlitterature. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Sensitive personal data


Type of personal data

Description of name, age and place of residence, data concerning a person’s health


Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Patients who have experienced severe breathlessness prompting the need for ambulance care

Time Method

Study design

Preclinical study

Description of study design

Interview study

Sampling procedure

Individual interviews conducted between January- October 2020. Inclusion criteria: being at least 18 years old, not suffering from any form of memory impairment from the time of care, experiencing severe breathlessness prompting ambulance care, and speaking fluent Swedish.

Time period(s) investigated

2020-01-15 – 2020-10-06

Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: The participants represented the central to southern parts of Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

PreHospen, Centre for prehospital research

Ethics Review

Swedish Ethical Review Authority - Ref. 2019-03283

Topic and keywords

Research area

Nursing (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

General health and well-being (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Health care services and policies (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Signs and symptoms; pathological conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Kauppi, W., Axelsson, C., Herlitz, J., Jiménez-Herrera, M. F., & Palmér, L. (n.d.). Patients’ lived experiences of breathlessness prior to prehospital care – A phenomenological study. In Nursing Open (Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 2179–2189).
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-28000

Kauppi, W., Axelsson, C., Herlitz, J., Jiménez‐Herrera, M., & Palmér, L. (n.d.). Lived experiences of being cared for by ambulance clinicians when experiencing breathlessness—A phenomenological study. In Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-28385

Kauppi, W. (2022). Kampen mot det okontrollerbara vid existensens gräns : Patienten med andnöd i behov av ambulanssjukvård.
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-27589