PISA study 2015

SND-ID: 2020-155-1. Version: 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/552f-3c11

Associated documentation


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Magnus Oskarsson - Mid Sweden University, Department of Education orcid

Marcus Sundgren - Mid Sweden University, Department of Education orcid

Research principal

Mid Sweden University - Department of Education rorId

Principal's reference number

MIUN 2013/887


Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to questions in the test and answers from the participating students.

More information on the Swedish catalogue site.

Text to questions and answers to PISA 2015 from Swedish schools.

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Pseudonymised data, possible indirect identifiers within free-text answers for example occupation of parents, and family relations.

Code key exists


Data contain other protected information

Yes: National test confidentiality


Method and outcome


secondary students in Swedish schools born 1999

Sampling procedure

Probability: Multistage
Probability: Stratified: Proportional
Alla skolor med elever födda 1999 ingår i studien. Skolorna i studien utgjordes av 1791 grundskolor med elever i åk 7, och/eller åk 8, och/eller åk 9, samt alla 1336 gymnasieskolor. Från dessa samplades 197 grundskolor och 29 gymnasieskolor. Sedan uteslöts 20 skolor då de inte hade valbara elever. Totalt samplades 6350 elever.
På skolorna uteslöts en del elever och några var frånvarande av olika skäl. Sammantaget deltog 5440 elever alltså 85,67% av de som valdes ut.

Time period(s) investigated

2015-03-15 – 2015-04-15

Number of individuals/objects


Response rate/participation rate


Sammantaget deltog 5440 elever alltså 85,67% av de som valdes ut.

Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Educational measurements and tests
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2015-03-15 – 2015-04-15
  • Instrument: (Structured questionnaire)
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Education



Swedish National Agency for Education

Topic and keywords

Research area

Educational policy (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Compulsory and pre-school education (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Educational sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Oskarsson, M., Eliasson, N., Fredriksson, U., Karlsson, K. G., Lundgren, M., Pettersson, A., Rasmusson, M., & Sollerman, S. (2016). PISA 2015 - Bakgrund och metoder med exempel. Skolverket. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42345
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42345
ISBN: 978-91-7559-261-9

Rasmusson, M., Oskarsson, M., Eliasson, N., Lundgren, M., Karlsson, K. G., Fredriksson, U., Pettersson, A., & Sollerman, S. (2016). PISA 2015 : 15-åringars kunskaper i naturvetenskap, läsförståelse och matematik. Skolverket. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-33688
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-33688


© The National Agency for Education


Version 1. 2021-11-30

Version 1: 2021-11-30

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/552f-3c11

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Published: 2021-11-30
Last updated: 2024-09-24