Collection CHAQ 2020 - Cultural Heritage Antarctica

SND-ID: chaq2020---cultural-heritage-antarctica.

Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection


CHAQ 2020 is an Argentinean-Swedish project with fieldwork in the area around the Antarctic Peninsula aiming to investigating and documenting the historical remains of the first Swedish South Polar expedition under the leadership of Otto Nordenskjöld 1901-1903. A research station that was erected on Snowhill Island in 1902 is still intact and is with other remains listed as historic monuments under the Antarctic Treaty.

CHAQ 2020 comprises research on cultural heritage processes in Antarctica, but will also provide guidance for the long-term cultural heritage management and cooperation within the Antarctic Treaty. The digital documentation of the historic monuments and sites shall be made publicly accessible and the projects data collection shall provide the basis for continued research on climate and cultural heritage.

Collection category

Social Sciences and Humanities

Research area

History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Structure (INSPIRE topic categories)


Geographic location



Almevik, G., Avango, D., Contissa, V., Fontana, P., Lindström, K., & Westin, J. (2021). Built cultural heritage in Antarctica : remains and uses of the first Swedish SouthPolar expedition 1901–1903. Riksantikvarieämbetet.
URN: urn:nbn:se:raa:diva-6230
ISBN: 978-91-7209-891-6

Related data in SND's catalogue

First published dataset: 2021-02-04
Last updated dataset: 2021-09-02