Previous Archaeological Excavations along the 'Ostlänken' Railway Corridor 1965-2012: Archaeological assesment within the planned E4 motorway.

SND-ID: snd2476-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Swedish National Heritage Board, UV Öst

Research principal

Uppsala University rorId


From 17/10/1990 to 08/11/1990 the Swedish National Heritage Board has performed investigations of five areas (named area 5-8 and 12/13) and one preliminary investigation of one area (named area 14) within the planned motorway of the E4 motorway, passing Norrköping.

In area 5, located at Borgs säteri, remains of residential nature was found. Ceramic finds give a possible dating of the Vendel period to the Viking age.

Area 6 is located next to Motala ström. Settlement remains were found, concentrated in the south part of the area.

Within area 7 a large settlement containing two areas of cultural layers were found. Ceramics place part of the ancient monument in the bronze age.

Area 8 also contained remains of residential nature, possibly from the iron age and the bronze age.

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From 17/10/1990 to 08/11/1990 the Swedish National Heritage Board has performed investigations of five areas (named area 5-8 and 12/13) and one preliminary investigation of one area (named area 14) within the planned motorway of the E4 motorway, passing Norrköping.

In area 5, located at Borgs säteri, remains of residential nature was found. Ceramic finds give a possible dating of the Vendel period to the Viking age.

Area 6 is located next to Motala ström. Settlement remains were found, concentrated in the south part of the area.

Within area 7 a large settlement containing two areas of cultural layers were found. Ceramics place part of the ancient monument in the bronze age.

Area 8 also contained remains of residential nature, possibly from the iron age and the bronze age.

Area 12/13 is located east of the burial site RAÄ 15. 22 features with burned bones were found.

16 stone settings and possible stone settings previously unknown were discovered during the preliminary investigation of area 14. The previously known stone setting RAÄ 6 is located within the area.

The ZIP-file contains four shapefiles with information on trenches, ancient monuments, archaeological finds and other data from the archaeological survey, as well as ten geo-referenced maps (© Lantmäteriet i2014/00696) of the survey in GeoTIFF-format. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome
Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Field observation
  • Description of the mode of collection: Schakt, lämningar etc har mätts in i fält med GPS och bearbetats i Intrasis. I samband med projektet "ArkeoGIS Ostlänken" migrerades data till ESRI ArcMap samt MS Access och harmonierades enligt projektets riktlinjer.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1990-10-17 – 1990-11-08
  • Data collector: Swedish National Heritage Board UV Mitt

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Compilation/Synthesis
  • Description of the mode of collection: Schakt, lämningar etc har mätts in i fält med GPS och bearbetats i Intrasis. I samband med projektet "ArkeoGIS Ostlänken" migrerades data till ESRI ArcMap samt MS Access och harmonierades enligt projektets riktlinjer.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2014 – 2014
  • Data collector: Uppsala University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History.
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Borg Parish, Östra Eneby Parish, Kvillinge Parish

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Commissioning organisation

Swedish Road Administration


Producents dnr för projektet: 5291/90

ProjektID: p590004

Rapport nr: UV Mitt 1990

Topic and keywords

Research area

History (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Published: 2020-01-21
Last updated: 2020-02-04