Previous Archaeological Excavations along the 'Ostlänken' Railway Corridor 1965-2012: Fifteen Kilometers of Ancient History Beneath the Motorway
SND-ID: snd2383-1. Version: 2. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Swedish National Heritage Board
Research principal
Previous Archaeological Excavations along the 'Ostlänken' Railway Corridor 1965-2012: Fifteen Kilometers of Ancient History Beneath the Motorway
ZIP file 001 contains a shape file with metadata from the excavation, and two maps in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The ancient monument 209 was comprised of two hearths and an area with soot and fire-cracked stone, situated by Åbro. The remains were dated to the Late Iron Age and the Middle Ages.
ZIP file 002 contains three Shape files with information on trenches and features, and a map in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The excavation covered the northern part of a late Iron Age cemetery. 28 graves were found on the investigated area, seven of which were probable inhumations. High phosphate levels were surveyed in a field beside the cemetery, but no traces of prehistoric activity were found. Settlement remains in the shape of hearths and fire-cracked stones were however found underneath the graves.
ZIP file 003 contains three Shape files with information on trench
ZIP file 001 contains a shape file with metadata from the excavation, and two maps in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The ancient monument 209 was comprised of two hearths and an area with soot and fire-cracked stone, situated by Åbro. The remains were dated to the Late Iron Age and the Middle Ages.
ZIP file 002 contains three Shape files with information on trenches and features, and a map in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The excavation covered the northern part of a late Iron Age cemetery. 28 graves were found on the investigated area, seven of which were probable inhumations. High phosphate levels were surveyed in a field beside the cemetery, but no traces of prehistoric activity were found. Settlement remains in the shape of hearths and fire-cracked stones were however found underneath the graves.
ZIP file 003 contains three Shape files with information on trenches and features, and a map in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The excavation uncovered 40 Iron Age graves, most of which were stone settings. Few artefacts were found. The burial custom and artefacts date the cemetery to the Early Iron Age and Migaration Period. Underneath the cemetery, two areas of settlement remains were uncovered. The features included hearths, post holes and two burnt mounds. The settlement was mainly dated to the Early Iron Age, with solitary datings to the Bronze Age and Vendel Period.
ZIP file 004 contains three Shape files with information on trenches and features, and a map in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The excavation was carried out in August and September 1979 and covered part of a cemetery with ten previously known graves. Four stone settings, of which two four-sided, and a hearth were excavated. The burial type, burial custom and the fact that few grave goods were deposited indicate a dating to the Early Iron Age.
ZIP file 005 contains three Shape files with information on trenches and features, and a map in GeoTIFF format. Corresponding material is also available in gml format.
The excavation was carried out in August 1980 and covered a site with a stone setting, a hearth found ca. 15 m from the grave, and a presumed stone setting that turned out to be a natural formation. The location of the grave and the burial custom indicate an Early Iron Age dating of the stone setting. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
Data format / data structure
Type of archaeological investigation
Type of archaeological remains
Settlement, Settlement remains, other, Grave, unknown type, Burial ground, Hearth, Stone setting
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Trosa Municipality, Västerljung Parish
Geographic description: Along the E4 motorway through Västerljung and Trosa-Vagnhärad parishes.
Lowest geographic unit
Highest geographic unit
County (NUTS 3)
Organisationens dnr för undersökningen: 3403/78
ProjektID: p478002, p479002, p479003, p479004, p480001
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 271:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 25:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 24:1
... Show more..Organisationens dnr för undersökningen: 3403/78
ProjektID: p478002, p479002, p479003, p479004, p480001
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 271:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 25:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 24:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 236:1
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 236:2
RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 385:1
Show less..Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Iron age, Early iron age, Vendel era, Late iron age, Middle ages, Bronze age
Wigren, Sonja & Öström, Kerstin (1986). Femton kilometer forntid under motorvägen: fornlämningar från bronsålder till medeltid i Trosa-Vagnhärads, Västerljungs och Lästringe socknar i Södermanland : arkeologiska undersökningar 1979-1981. Archaeological report 1984:30. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet