GIS-material for the archaeological project: Drottningmarken

SND-ID: snd2038-1. Version: 1.1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Swedish National Heritage Board, UV Öst

Research principal

Uppsala University rorId


The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
Vadstena municipality is planning an expansion of Vadstena city, covering a ca. 70 000 m2 big area in Drottningmarken. The Swedish National Heritage Board's Contract Archaeology Service, UV Öst, has performed an archaeological assessment (phase 2) to determine whether the area contains any archaeological remains. On the occasion of the survey, the assessment area had been staked out but only covering half of the original area. The farmer had not given permission to excavate the other half, and this part of the area was thus not investigated. If this area is to be developed in the future, further surveying must be performed. Trial trenches were dug in the surveyed part of the field. A few dark coloured patches were discovered, but were interpreted as being of natural origin.


The information in the purpose is translated from the archaeological report:
Due to a new local plan for Drottningmarken and by request of the County Administrative Board in Östergötland County, the Swedish National Heritage Board's Con

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The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
Vadstena municipality is planning an expansion of Vadstena city, covering a ca. 70 000 m2 big area in Drottningmarken. The Swedish National Heritage Board's Contract Archaeology Service, UV Öst, has performed an archaeological assessment (phase 2) to determine whether the area contains any archaeological remains. On the occasion of the survey, the assessment area had been staked out but only covering half of the original area. The farmer had not given permission to excavate the other half, and this part of the area was thus not investigated. If this area is to be developed in the future, further surveying must be performed. Trial trenches were dug in the surveyed part of the field. A few dark coloured patches were discovered, but were interpreted as being of natural origin.


The information in the purpose is translated from the archaeological report:
Due to a new local plan for Drottningmarken and by request of the County Administrative Board in Östergötland County, the Swedish National Heritage Board's Contract Archaeology Service, UV Öst, has performed an archaeological assessment (phase 2), to determine whether the development area contains any archaeological remains.

The ZIP file consist of GIS files and an Access database with information about the excavations, findings and other metadata about the archaeological survey. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

Data format / data structure

Type of archaeological remains

Residential nature

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Field observation
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2004-09 – 2004-09
  • Data collector: Swedish National Heritage Board, UV Öst
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden, Vadstena Municipality, Vadstena Parish

Geographic description: Östergötland, Vadstena, Drottningmarken

Lowest geographic unit


Administrative information


Intrasisprojekt: AO20049

Länsstyrelsens dnr för projektet: 431-2021-2004

Producents dnr för projektet: 421-659-2004

ProjektID: p504007

Topic and keywords

Research area

History (CESSDA Topic Classification)

History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Modern age

Published: 2014-04-09
Last updated: 2016-10-06