The Negotiations in the Council of the European Union Dataset

SND-ID: snd1143-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

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Version 2: 2022-09-29


Data added: A new survey round has been conducted and added to the dataset.


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Daniel Naurin - University of Gothenburg

Markus Johansson - University of Gothenburg

Rutger Lindahl - University of Gothenburg

Olof Larsson - University of Gothenburg

Research principal

University of Gothenburg - Centre for European Research rorId


The dataset is based on telephone surveys that have been conducted every third year between 2003 and 2021. The respondents are representatives of the EU member states to 11 different working groups and committees in the Council of the EU. The purpose of the project is to improve our understanding of international decision-making, negotiations and cooperation with a special focus on the Council of the EU. The survey includes questions that are repeated in all the six survey rounds as well as questions that have been asked one or several times. Some of the questions are survey experiments. The design of the survey makes possible comparisons across policy areas, member states and over time.

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Indirect identifiers: work place (variable workgroup), member state (variable ms), gender (variable gender)

Code key exists



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


The population consists of all the EU member states’ representatives to eleven Council preparatory bodies in each survey round. The total population for the seven survey rounds is 1947 representatives of which 1567 responded, which means a response rate of 81%.

Sampling procedure

The selection of respondents for each survey round is consists of the individuals representing the EU member states to eleven Council preparatory bodies. The sample of preparatory bodies has been made to secure a broad coverage of policy areas and different levels within the Council hierarchy (a list of the committees and working groups that are part of the sample is included in the codebook). In each committee, all of the member states’ representatives have been contacted. In those cases where it has not been possible to conduct an interview with the chief representative, the deputy representative has been contacted instead.

Time period(s) investigated

2003-02-01 – 2003-03-31

2006-02-01 – 2006-04-30

2009-04-01 – 2009-05-31

2012-03-01 – 2012-09-30

2015-10-01 – 2015-12-31

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2003-02-01 – 2003-03-31

2006-02-01 – 2006-04-30

2009-04-01 – 2009-05-31

2012-03-01 – 2012-09-30

2015-10-01 – 2015-12-31

2018-04-01 – 2018-07-31

2021-10-01 – 2022-01-31

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Number of individuals/objects


Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Telephone interview
  • Source of the data: Other
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: European Union (EU)

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Centre for European Research

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council
Topic and keywords

Sort by name | Sort by year

Naurin, Daniel. 2008. “Nordiskt samarbete i EUs ministerråd”, Nordisk Tidskrift, Årgång 84, Nr 2.

Naurin, Daniel. 2015. “The Councils of the EU. Intergovernmental bargaining in a supranational polity”, in Richardson, Jeremy J. (ed), European Union: Power and policy-making. London: Routledge.

Tallberg, Jonas, Anna Michalski, Daniel Naurin and Li Bennich-Björkman. 2009. Europa efter utvidgningen. Demokratirådets Rapport 2009. Stockholm: SNS Förlag.

Naurin, Daniel. 2010. “Most common when least important? Deliberation in the European Union Council of Ministers”, British Journal of Political Science, Volume 40, Issue 1.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2007. “Network Capital and Cooperation Patterns in Committees and Working Groups of the Council of the EU.”, CERGU Working Paper Series 2007:02.

Huhe, Narisong, Daniel Naurin and Robert Thomson. 2017. With or without you? Policy impact and networks in the Council of the EU after Brexit. Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS 2017:8epa.

Naurin, Daniel, Robert Thomson and Marta Smolen. 2012. “The Evolution of Political Networks: Evidence from the European Union”, CERGU Working Paper Series 2012:5

Johansson, Markus, Daniel Naurin and Rutger Lindahl. 2019. “Cooperation and Negotiation in the Council of the European Union”, CERGU Working Paper Series 2019:3.

Naurin, Daniel and Elin Naurin. 2018. “Descriptive representation and negotiation: Gender balance in the committees of the Council of the European Union”, in Aggestam, Karin and Ann E. Towns (eds), Gendering diplomacy and international negotiation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Naurin, Daniel. 2009. Out in the Cold? Flexible Integration and the Political Status of Euro-Outsiders, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS 2009:13epa.

Huhe, Narisong, Robert Thomson, Javier Arregui and Daniel Naurin. 2022. “Intergovernmental cooperation networks, national policy positions and partisan ideologies: longitudinal evidence from the Council of the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 29, Issue 1.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2010. “Out in the cold? Flexible integration and the political status of the Euro opt outs”, European Union Politics, Volume 11, Issue 4.

Naurin, Daniel. 2015. “Generosity in intergovernmental negotiations: The impact of state power, pooling and socialization in the Council of the EU”, European Journal of Political Research, Volume 54, Issue 4.

Johansson, Markus. 2018. “Cooperation and expected Policy Compliance in the Council of the EU”, CERGU Working Paper Series 2018:3.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2005. “Sweden: The twin faces of a Euro-outsider”, Journal of European Integration, Volume 27, Issue 1.

Johansson, Markus, Daniel Naurin and Rutger Lindahl. 2019. Samarbete och inflytande i EU:s ministerråd. Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS 2019:6epa.

Lindahl, Rutger and Daniel Naurin. 2003. ”Gemenskap, utanförskap och inflytande i EUs Ministerråd. Resultatrapport.”, CERGU Working Paper Series 2003:02.

Johansson, Markus. 2018. “Sweden’s best friends in the Council of the EU.” in Rosén Sundström, Malena and Bengtsson, Richard (eds), The EU and the emerging global order. Lund: Department of political science.

Johansson, Markus. 2021. “Explaining Cooperation in the Council of the EU Before and After the Brexit Referendum”, Politics and Governance, Volume 9, Issue 1.

Naurin, Daniel and Robert Thomson. 2009. “A Network Model of Decision Making Applied to the European Union”, The Quality of Government Institute Working Papers Series 2009:3.

Naurin, Daniel and Anne Rasmussen (eds). 2012. Dynamics of Change in the European Union. London: Routledge. (Based on the Special Issue of West European Politics, Linking Inter- and Intra-Institutional Change in the European Union, Vol 34, Issue 1.)

Häge, Frank M. and Daniel Naurin. 2013. “The effect of co-decision on Council decision-making: Informalization, politicization, and power”, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 20, Issue 7.

Huhe, Narisong, Daniel Naurin and Robert Thomson. 2020. “Don’t cry for me Britannia: The resilience of the European Union to Brexit”, European Union Politics, Volume 21, Issue 1.

Naurin, Daniel. 2011. ”Konsensusmyten. Är förhandlingarna i EU:s ministerråd verkligen så gulliga som sägs?”, in Alvstam, Claes, Birgitta Jännebring and Daniel Naurin (eds), I Europamissionens tjänst. Vänbok till Rutger Lindahl. Göteborg: CERGU.

Naurin, Daniel. 2007. "Why give reason? Measuring arguing and bargaining in survey research", Swiss Political Science Review, Volume 13, Issue 4.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2008. “East, North, South. Coalition-building in the Council before and after enlargement”, in Naurin, Daniel and Helen Wallace (eds), Unveiling the Council of the EU. Games governments play in Brussels. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Naurin, Daniel and Helen Wallace (eds). 2008. Unveiling the Council of the EU. Games Governments Play in Brussels. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lindahl, Rutger and Daniel Naurin. 2010. “Sverige kärnland i EU?”, in Andrén, Mats (ed) Sverige och Europa. Göteborg: CERGU.

Tallberg, Jonas, Derek Beach, Daniel Naurin and Teija Tiilikainen. 2011. Makten i EU. Demokratirådets Rapport 2011. Stockholm: SNS Förlag.

Johansson, Markus. 2015. Negotiations as usual. Putting domestic constraints on the table in the Council of the European Union (Doctoral thesis). Göteborg: Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg.

Naurin, Daniel. 2014. “Representation in the Councils of the EU”, in Kröger Sandra (ed), Political Representation in the European Union. London: Routledge.

Huhe, Narisong, Daniel Naurin and Robert Thomson. 2018. “The evolution of political networks: Evidence from the Council of the European Union”, European Union Politics, Volume 19, Issue 1.

Naurin, Daniel. 2007. “Network Capital and Cooperation Patterns in the Working Groups of the Council of the EU.” European University Institute Working Paper, RSCAS, Florence, 2007/14.

Naurin, Daniel, Elin Naurin and Amy Alexander. 2019. “Gender Stereotyping and Chivalry in International Negotiations: A Survey Experiment in the Council of the European Union” International Organization, Volume 73, Issue 2.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2004. ”Flexibel integration och utanförskapets politiska pris”, in Lindahl, Rutger and Birgitta Jännebring (eds) Forskning om Europafrågor vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet. 2003. Göteborg: CERGU.

Naurin, Daniel and Rutger Lindahl. 2014. “Nätverkskapital och inflytande i EUs ministerråd – hur går det för Sverige efter Eurokrisen?”, in von Sydow, Göran (ed), EU efter krisen – perspektiv på demokrati och inflytande i ett förändrat EU, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS 2014:1op, Stockholm.

Lindahl, Rutger and Daniel Naurin. 2014. “Försämrade euro-beslutet Sveriges nätverkskapital i EU-förhandlingar?” in Berg, Linda and Rutger Lindahl (eds), Förhoppningar och farhågor – Sveriges första 20 år i EU, Göteborg: CERGU.


Version 2. 2022-09-29

Version 2: 2022-09-29


Data added: A new survey round has been conducted and added to the dataset.

Version 1.0. 2020-02-17

Version 1.0: 2020-02-17


Published: 2020-02-17
Last updated: 2022-09-29