Reflection seismic study of the Siljan Ring impact structure: Mora - Migrated data
SND-ID: snd1050-4. Version: 1.0. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Christopher Juhlin
- Uppsala University, Geosciences
Erik Sturkell
- University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences
Jan Ove R. Ebbestad
- Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution
Oliver Lehnert - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Anette E. S. Högström - Tromsø University, Tromsø University Museum
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Christopher Juhlin
- Uppsala University, Geosciences
Erik Sturkell
- University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences
Jan Ove R. Ebbestad
- Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution
Oliver Lehnert - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Anette E. S. Högström - Tromsø University, Tromsø University Museum
Guido Meinhold
- Universität Göttingen
Research principal
Uppsala University
- Department of Earth Sciences
Two new reflection seismic profiles over the Paleozoic successions of the western part of the Siljan Ring impact structure were acquired during 2011, the Mora and the Orsa profile. This data set concerns the Mora profile. The profile has length of c. 10 km and the processed data image the geological section to about 3 km depth. During the survey, 391 source points (VIBSIST 3000) were recorded by 320 receiver channels for 30 seconds. From this recording, the following data sets were generated and are published here: 1) decoded and quality controlled raw data; 2) pre-processed (shot geometry applied) data; 3) stacked data; 4) migrated data; 5) depth converted data and velocity field.
Key acquisition parameters are:
Number of channels: 320 (160-160)
Near offset: 0m
Geophone spacing: 10 m
Geophone type: 28 Hz single
Source spacing: 20 m
Source type: VIBSIST 3000
Hit interval between hammer blows: 100-200 ms
Sweeps per source point: 3-4
Key acquisition parameters are:
Number of channels: 320 (160-160)
Near offset: 0m
Geophone spacing: 10 m
Geophone type: 28 Hz single
Source spacing: 20 m
Source type: VIBSIST 3000
Hit interval between hammer blows: 100-200 ms
Sweeps per source point: 3-4
Nominal fold: 80
Recording instrument: SERCEL 428UL
Sample rate: 1 ms
Field low cut: Out
Field high cut: 400 Hz
Record length: 30 s
Profile length: 10 km
Source points: 391
Dates acquired: 3/6-9/6: 2011
This dataset contains processed data of the Mora profile:
Processing steps for this data set:
1: Read decoded VIBSIST data
2: Bulk static shift to zero time
3: Apply geometry
4: Pick first breaks
5: Spherical divergence correction
6: Trace editing
7: Trace balance: 0–3000 ms
8: Spectral equalization: 0–600 ms: 50–80–200–240 Hz; 700–1500 ms: 40–70–180–240 Hz
9: Time variant bandpass filter: 0–400 ms: 50–80–240–360 Hz; 450–600 ms: 45–70–210–300 Hz; 700–1000 ms: 40–60–180–270 Hz; 1100–3000 ms: 35–50–150–225 Hz
10: Refraction statics: datum 160 m, replacement velocity 3000 m/s
11: Residual statics
12: Median filter: 11 traces, 3 samples, 5300 m/s, subtract
13: AGC: 50 ms
14: Mute: top and bottom
15: Residual statics
16: Velocity analysis
17: NMO correction: 70% stretch mute
18: Trace balance
19: FX Decon: 19 trace window
20: No dip filter
21: Trace balance
22: Stolt migration: 200–3000, 1000–4000 ms/s
Processed seismic data stored as one file for the enitre seismic profile, according to SEG technical standard SEG-Y revision 1 (SEG-Y_r1.0, 2002); Show less..
Data contains personal data
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Mora Municipality
Geographic description: Siljan Ring impact structure, central Sweden, near Mora
Responsible department/unit
Department of Earth Sciences
Research area
Geophysics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Geoscientific information (INSPIRE topic categories)
Juhlin, Christopher, Erik Sturkell, Jan Ove R. Ebbestad, Oliver Lehnert, Anette E. S. Högström, and Guido Meinhold. 2012. “A New Interpretation of the Sedimentary Cover in the Western Siljan Ring Area, Central Sweden, Based on Seismic Data.” Tectonophysics 580 (December):88-99.
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