Exotic vowels in Swedish - an articulographic study of palatal vowels - West

SND-ID: snd1038-2. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/002932


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Susanne Schötz - Lund university, Humanities Lab

Research principal

Lund University - Humanities Lab rorId


The general object of this study is vowel production, specifically long palatal vowels in Swedish. In a cross-language comparison, Swedish has a fairly rich vowel system, and Swedish vowels have some particularly exotic and distinctive features. We focus on three specific issues: the crowding of vowels among the front, close vowels, particularly y and u, the diphthongisation of long vowels, and the special "damped" colour of i and y vowels. The main purpose is to analyse and understand the articulation of these vowels and their dynamics. We will use articulography which provides a three dimensional picture of tongue, lip and jaw movements. Phonetic studies of vowels have been mainly acoustic. Although there are a number of such studies of Swedish vowels, it is not possible to uniquely predict the articulation of a vowel from its acoustic properties. It is thus important and necessary to study the articulation of vowels more directly to get a more complete phonetic description of them. The current project primarily concerns basic research. By using articulography, we will increase the empirical

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The general object of this study is vowel production, specifically long palatal vowels in Swedish. In a cross-language comparison, Swedish has a fairly rich vowel system, and Swedish vowels have some particularly exotic and distinctive features. We focus on three specific issues: the crowding of vowels among the front, close vowels, particularly y and u, the diphthongisation of long vowels, and the special "damped" colour of i and y vowels. The main purpose is to analyse and understand the articulation of these vowels and their dynamics. We will use articulography which provides a three dimensional picture of tongue, lip and jaw movements. Phonetic studies of vowels have been mainly acoustic. Although there are a number of such studies of Swedish vowels, it is not possible to uniquely predict the articulation of a vowel from its acoustic properties. It is thus important and necessary to study the articulation of vowels more directly to get a more complete phonetic description of them. The current project primarily concerns basic research. By using articulography, we will increase the empirical knowledge of vowel production in general, and extend our knowledge of the articulatory dynamics of palatal vowels in Swedish in particular. Potential applications of our study are in logopedics and language teaching.

Data has been collected from the Gothenburg area. Show less..


Method and outcome


About 15 participants each from the three dialects areas Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö

Time period(s) investigated

2011-01-01 – 2013-12-31

Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Recording
  • Description of the mode of collection: The programs cs5recorder, cs5view, CalcPos and NormPos were used in the study and belong to the equipment Carstens Articulograph AG500. The POS files (files with the .pos extension) can be read into the VisArtico program (http://visartico.loria.fr) which is a visualization tool for articulographic data.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2011-01-01 – 2013-12-31
  • Source of the data: Other
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Stockholm County, Göteborg Municipality, Malmö Municipality

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Humanities Lab


Johan Frid - Lund university, Humanities Lab


  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2010.1599

Ethics Review

Lund - Ref. 2011/430

Topic and keywords

Research area

Specific languages (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Language and linguistics (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Schötz, S, Frid, J, Löfqvist, A & Gustafsson, L 2013, Functional data analysis of tongue articulation in Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish /i:, y:, u-:/. i R Eklund (red.), in Proceedings of fonetik 2013
. Linköping University, s. 69-72, Linköping, Sweden, 12-13 June.

Schötz, S, Frid, J, Gustafsson, L & Löfqvist, A 2013, Functional Data Analysis of Tongue Articulation in Palatal Vowels: Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish /i:, y:, u-:/. in Proceedings of Interspeech 2013
. Interspeech, Lyon, 22 August.

Frid, J, Schötz, S & Löfqvist, A 2012, South Swedish diphthongisation: an articulographic and acoustic study of /u:/ in the Malmöhus dialect. in Proceedings of Fonetik 2012
. Proceedings of Fonetik 2012, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, s. 85-88, Gothenburg, Sweden, 30-1 June.

Schötz, S., Frid, J., Gustafsson, L & Löfqvist, A. 2014. Tongue articulation dynamics of /iː, yː, ʉ̟ː/ in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish. In Proceedings of Fonetik 2014, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University. pp 17-22.

Frid, J., Schötz, S., Gustafsson, L, Löfqvist, A. 2015. A. Tongue articulation of front close vowels in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish, In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVIII), Glasgow, August 10-14, 2015.

Published: 2017-11-20
Last updated: 2020-01-17