Health Assets Project 2008

SND-ID: snd0870-1. Version: 2.0. DOI:

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Version 5.2: 2013-12-06


Version 5.1: 2010-10-11


Version 5.0: 2010-10-11


Version 4.2: 2010-05-27


Version 4.1: 2009-06-22


Version 4.0: 2009-11-04


Version 3.0: 2009-07-01


Version 2.1: 2008-11-21


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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Gunnel Hensing - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Kristina Holmgren - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Lena Andersson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Gunilla Krantz - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Eva-Lisa Petersson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

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Gunnel Hensing - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Kristina Holmgren - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Lena Andersson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Gunilla Krantz - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Eva-Lisa Petersson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Carin Staland-Nyman - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

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Research principal

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine rorId


The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal factors affecting the return to work of people on sick leave, and what factors contribute to people not becoming sick-listed at all. The Health Assets Project is a longitudinal cohort study, with initially two data collection periods. The first was conducted in the spring of 2008 and the second was due in the autumn of 2009. The data was collected through mailed questionnaires and registry data. In the spring of 2008, a survey was mailed out to a sample drawn from the registers held by SCB and Social Insurance, comprising both sick and healthy people registered in the county.  The study population is based on three cohorts; the general population cohort, the sick-listed employer-reported cohort and the sick-listed self-reported cohort. In the first data collection in the spring of 2008, a total of 7 835 people participated, of which the population cohort comprised 4 027 people, the employer-reported cohort 3310 and the self

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The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal factors affecting the return to work of people on sick leave, and what factors contribute to people not becoming sick-listed at all. The Health Assets Project is a longitudinal cohort study, with initially two data collection periods. The first was conducted in the spring of 2008 and the second was due in the autumn of 2009. The data was collected through mailed questionnaires and registry data. In the spring of 2008, a survey was mailed out to a sample drawn from the registers held by SCB and Social Insurance, comprising both sick and healthy people registered in the county.  The study population is based on three cohorts; the general population cohort, the sick-listed employer-reported cohort and the sick-listed self-reported cohort. In the first data collection in the spring of 2008, a total of 7 835 people participated, of which the population cohort comprised 4 027 people, the employer-reported cohort 3310 and the self-reported cohort 498. The proportion of women was higher then the men in all three cohorts, 55 % in the population cohort, 66 % in the employer-reported cohort and 65 % in the self-reported cohort.


The specific aims of the project are: 1) To examine the differences in self-reported health between a general population and incident sick-leave cohorts. 2) To examine the work-related factors that promote people returning to work after having been sick-listed. 3)To examine the living conditions, i.e. individual-related and psychosocial factors, that promote people returning to work after having been sick-listed. 4) To examine the factors that during the rehabilitation function as resources or barriers in the process from sick-leave to returning to work.

Dataset includes the 7835 individuals responding to the first questionnaire, in 2008. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 19-64 years (at 31/12 2008) registered in Västra Götaland at the time of the 2008 survey

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random
Probability: Systematic random

Målpopulationen var alla personer i åldern 19 - 64 år som vid mättillfället, 2008, var folkbokförda i Västra Götaland. Rampopulationen bildades med register över totalbefolkningen (RTB). I urvalet önskade man få med ett relativt stort antal personer som nyligen påbörjat en sjukskrivningsperiod som pågått i mer än 14 dagar. För detta användes uppgifter från Försäkringskassans register.

Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) identifierade befolkningsurvalet genom att göra ett obundet slumpmässigt urval (OSU) från registret över totalbefolkningen (RTB). Försäkringskassan identifierade de två sjukskrivningsurvalen genom att göra ett uttag från sina register över sjukskrivna.

Populationen delades in i tre stratum. I stratum 1 ingick arbetsgivaranmälda personer i åldern 19-64 år som Försäkringskassan tagit fram ur deras register, vilka motsvarade 49 % av samtliga som under den period Försäkringskassan gjorde sina uttag hade anmälts sjuka av arbetsgivare. Alla de arbetsgivaranmälda som Försäkringskassan tagit fram från registret ingick i studien. I stratum 2 ingick övriga personer i åldern 19-64 år, som

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Målpopulationen var alla personer i åldern 19 - 64 år som vid mättillfället, 2008, var folkbokförda i Västra Götaland. Rampopulationen bildades med register över totalbefolkningen (RTB). I urvalet önskade man få med ett relativt stort antal personer som nyligen påbörjat en sjukskrivningsperiod som pågått i mer än 14 dagar. För detta användes uppgifter från Försäkringskassans register.

Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) identifierade befolkningsurvalet genom att göra ett obundet slumpmässigt urval (OSU) från registret över totalbefolkningen (RTB). Försäkringskassan identifierade de två sjukskrivningsurvalen genom att göra ett uttag från sina register över sjukskrivna.

Populationen delades in i tre stratum. I stratum 1 ingick arbetsgivaranmälda personer i åldern 19-64 år som Försäkringskassan tagit fram ur deras register, vilka motsvarade 49 % av samtliga som under den period Försäkringskassan gjorde sina uttag hade anmälts sjuka av arbetsgivare. Alla de arbetsgivaranmälda som Försäkringskassan tagit fram från registret ingick i studien. I stratum 2 ingick övriga personer i åldern 19-64 år, som själva hade anmält sig sjukskrivna, som Försäkringskassan tagit fram ur deras register. I stratum 2 drogs ett urval enligt metoden för obundet slumpmässigt urval (OSU). I stratum 3 ingick personer som Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) identifierade genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval (OSU).

Den totala urvalsstorleken var 15 185 individer. Urvalet i stratum 1 var 6 165 personer, urvalet i stratum 2 var 1 000 personer och urvalet i stratum 3 var 8 020 personer.

För ytterligare beskrivning av urvalet finns följande dokument att ta del av: 'Teknisk rapport 0870-001' samt 'Fördröjningsanalys från Försäkringskassan'.

Urvalet för 2009 års undersökning utgjordes av svarsmängden i 2008 års undersökning. Show less..

Time period(s) investigated

2008-04-15 – 2008-06-30



Number of individuals/objects



See the section '7. Viktberäkning' in the technical report from Statistics Sweden.

Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2008
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts, Population group

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2008-04-15 – 2008-06-30
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts, Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: Västra Götaland

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit

County (NUTS3)

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Ethics Review

Gothenburg - Ref. 039-08

Topic and keywords

Research area

Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Cultural activities and participation (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Public health, global health, social medicine and epidemiology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Social welfare systems/structures (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)

General health and well-being (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Family life and marriage (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Jonsson R. Psychosocial Working Conditions - The Demand-Control-Support model as predictor of sickness absence among citizens in Västra Götalands county 2008. Master thesis in statistics. The University of Gothenburg, 2010.
Read full text

Löve J, Holmgren K, Torén K, Hensing G. Can Work ability explain the distributional differences of sickness absence over socioeconomic groups? BMC Public Health 2012;12:163.

Jonsson R, Lidwall U, Holmgren K. Does unbalanced gender composition at the work place influence the association between psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence? Work 2013;46(1):59-66.

Löve J, Moore CD, Hensing G. Validation of the Swedish translation of the General Self-Efficacy scale.
Qual Life Res. 2012;21(7):1249-53.

Andersson A, Andersson C, Holmgren K, Mårdby A-C, Hensing G. Participation in leisure activities and binge drinking in adults - findings from a Swedish general population sample. Addiction Research & Theory 2012;20(2):172-82.

Hensing G, Holmgren K, Mårdby A-C. Harmful alcohol habits were no more common in a sample of newly sick-listed Swedish women and men compared to a random population sample. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2011;46(4):471-7.

Holmgren K, Hensing G, Dellve L. The association between poor organizational climate and high work commitments, and sickness absence in a general population of women and men. J Occup Environ Med. 2010;52(12):1179-1185.

Löve J, Holmgren K, Torén K, Hensing G. Explaining the social gradient in sickness absence: a study of a general working population in Sweden. BMC Public Health 2013;13:545.

Holmgren K, Ekbladh E, Hensing G, Dellve L. The combination of work organizational climate and individual work commitment predicts return to work in women but not in men. J Occup Environ Med. 2013;55(2):121-7.

Andersson A, Mårdby A-C, Holmgren K, Hensing G. Associations between leisure activities and binge drinking in adults: Findings from a Swedish newly sick-listed sample. Epub ahead of print. Work 2013.

Ármannsdóttir B, Mårdby A-C, Haukenes I, Hensing G. Cumulative incidence of sickness absence and disease burden among the newly sick-listed, a cross-sectional population-based study. BMC Public Health 2013;13:329.

Mårdby A-C, Holmgren K, Hensing G. Harmful alcohol habits did not explain the social gradient of sickness absence in Swedish women and men. Accepted for publication in Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health 2013.

Löve J, Andersson L, Moore CD, Hensing G. Psychometric analysis of the Swedish translation of the WHO well-being index. Epub ahead of print. Qual Life Res. 2013.

Hensing G, Bertilsson M, Ahlborg G, Waern M, Vaez M. Self-assessed mental health problems and work capacity as determinants of return to work - a prospective general population based study of individuals with all cause sickness absence. In press. BMC Public Health 2013.
Swepub | Institutional Repository

Knapstad M, Øverland S, Henderson M, Holmgren K, Hensing G. Shame among long-term sickness absentees: Correlates and impact on subsequent sickness absence. Epub ahead of print. Scand J Public Health 2013.

Holmgren K, Mårdby A-C. The association between self-efficacy and sick-leave among men and women: a cross-sectional study of the general working population in Sweden. Accepted in Autumn 2013. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health 2013.

Nam Minjee. Association between Working Conditions and and Risk Drinking. A cross-sectional general population based study of Swedish empoyees. Master thesis in Public Health Science with Health Economics. The University of Gothenburg, 2012.
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Carlsson S, Warmenius F. Life change events among a group of sick-listed and a group of working women and men in the region of Västra Götaland. Bachelor thesis in Occupational therapy. The University of Gothenburg, 2011.
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Petersson C, Bratt H. Differences in domestic work and paid work among incident sick-leave and working women and men in the region of Västra Götaland. First cycle in Occupational therapy. The University of Gothenburg, 2009.
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Andersson J, Söderberg E. Prevalence and differences in the performance of leisure activities among people on incident sick-leave and an employed general population. First cycle in Occupational therapy. The University of Gothenburg, 2009.
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Persson S, Widmark D. Demand and control at work in a group of incident sick-listed cases and in a general working population of women and men - a survey in Västra Götaland. First cycle in Occupational therapy. The University of Gothenburg, 2010.
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Holmgren K, Löve J, Mardby A-C, Hensing G. Remain in work - What work-related factors are associated with sustainable work attendance? A general population based study of women and men. J Occup Environ Med. 2014 Mar;56(3):235-42

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Version 6.0. 2013-12-13

Version 6.0: 2013-12-13


Version 5.2. 2013-12-06

Version 5.2: 2013-12-06


Version 5.1. 2010-10-11

Version 5.1: 2010-10-11


Version 5.0. 2010-10-11

Version 5.0: 2010-10-11


Version 4.2. 2010-05-27

Version 4.2: 2010-05-27


Version 4.1. 2009-06-22

Version 4.1: 2009-06-22


Version 4.0. 2009-11-04

Version 4.0: 2009-11-04


Version 3.0. 2009-07-01

Version 3.0: 2009-07-01


Version 2.1. 2008-11-21

Version 2.1: 2008-11-21


Version 2.0. 2008-11-18

Version 2.0: 2008-11-18


Version 1.1. 2008-10-27

Version 1.1: 2008-10-27


Version 1.0. 2008-08-25

Version 1.0: 2008-08-25


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Published: 2008-11-18
Last updated: 2020-01-22