The Uppsala Russian Corpus
SND-ID: ext0071-1.
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Lennart Lönngren - University of Tromsø, Department of Language and Linguistics
Uppsala University, Department of Modern Languages
Research principal
University of Tromsø - Department of Language and Linguistics
The Uppsala Corpus (Upsal'skij korpus russkix tekstov) consists of some 600 Russian texts with a total of one million running words (word tokens), equally divided between informative and literary prose. The informative texts are from between 1985 and 1989, while the literary texts, whose vocabulary does not date as quickly, cover a longer period, 1960-88. The corpus does not include poetry or drama.
Within the given frameword, considerable effort has been made to ensure as representative and varied a corpus as possible. The informative texts are drawn from 25 different subject areas: economics, foreign affairs / foreign policy, ideology / domestic policy, party matters, Soviet society, social issues, defence, education, law, history, culture, linguistics, medicine / health care, psychology, environment / ecology, agriculture, engineering, information technology, space research, energy, biology, geology / geography, physics, chemistry and sport. Certain areas which were felt to be more important are represented by a larger volume of texts.
The literary half of the corpus comprises work by the
Within the given frameword, considerable effort has been made to ensure as representative and varied a corpus as possible. The informative texts are drawn from 25 different subject areas: economics, foreign affairs / foreign policy, ideology / domestic policy, party matters, Soviet society, social issues, defence, education, law, history, culture, linguistics, medicine / health care, psychology, environment / ecology, agriculture, engineering, information technology, space research, energy, biology, geology / geography, physics, chemistry and sport. Certain areas which were felt to be more important are represented by a larger volume of texts.
The literary half of the corpus comprises work by the following 40 authors: Abramov, Ajtmatov, Astaf'ev, Baklanov, Bek, Belov, Bitov, Bondarev, Dubov, Ganin, Gladyshev, Granin, Grekova, Goncharov, Iskander, Kaverin, Kazakov, Kochnev, Kozhevnikova, Nagibin, Lixanov, Lidin, Paustovskij, Pogodin, Pristavkin, Troepol'skij, Rasputin, Shcherbakova, Simonov, Solouxin, Shmelev, Tendrjakov, Tokareva, Tolstaja, Trifonov, Vasil'ev, Vorobl'ev, Zalygin and Zorin. Here, too, there is unequal representation, with a larger amount of writing by the better-known authors.
For further details about the corpus, see Lönngren, Lennart (ed.), 1993. Chastotnyj slovar' sovremennogo russkogo jazyka. (A Frequency Dictionary of Modern Russian. With a Summary in English.) Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia 32. 188 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-3134-8.
The aim is to provide a corpus of Russian prose texts. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
1960 – 1988
1985 – 1989
Data format / data structure
Responsible department/unit
Department of Language and Linguistics
Research area
Languages and literature (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Language and linguistics (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Lönngren, Lennart (ed.), 1993. Частотный словарь современногo русского языка. [Chastotnyj slovar' sovremennogo russkogo jazyka.] (A Frequency Dictionary of Modern Russian. With a Summary in English.) Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia 32. 188 pp. Uppsala