Catchment-scale aquatic C emissions
SND-ID: 2024-364. Version: 1. DOI:
Associated documentation
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Sivakiruthika Balathandayuthabani - Linköping University
Research principal
The csv file "Daily_aquatic_lateral_C_emissions_SRC" contains the daily data of
- Stream discharge (missing data linearly interpolated) in L/s
- DOC load (with interpolated DOC concentrations, see main text) in mg C/s
- DIC load (with interpolated DIC concentrations, see main text) in mg C/s
- DOC export in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
- DIC export in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
The file includes data for days excluding freezing temperatures. NA indicates no data - during these days the lakes were covered with ice and the streams were frozen with little or no flowing water. NA days differed between lakes and streams as the lakes were covered with ice for longer time.
The csv file "Daily_aquatic_vertical_C_emissions_SRC" contains the daily data of
- Mean total CH4 emissions in the three lakes in SRC (ebullition+diffusive flux; see main text) in mmol/m2/d
- Stream discharge (missing data linearly interpolated) in L/s
- DOC load (with interpolated DOC concentrations, see main text) in mg C/s
- DIC load (with interpolated DIC concentrations, see main text) in mg C/s
- DOC export in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
- DIC export in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
The file includes data for days excluding freezing temperatures. NA indicates no data - during these days the lakes were covered with ice and the streams were frozen with little or no flowing water. NA days differed between lakes and streams as the lakes were covered with ice for longer time.
The csv file "Daily_aquatic_vertical_C_emissions_SRC" contains the daily data of
- Mean total CH4 emissions in the three lakes in SRC (ebullition+diffusive flux; see main text) in mmol/m2/d
- Mean CO2 emissions in the three lakes in SRC in mmol/m2/d
- Lake C emissions, from the three lakes in SRC in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
- Mean CH4 emissions in the streams of SRC in mmol/m2/d
- Mean CO2 emissions in the streams of SRC in mmol/m2/d
- Stream C emissions from the stream network of SRC in Mg C/d (1 Mg = 10^6 g)
The file includes data for days excluding freezing temperatures. NA indicates no data - during these days the lakes were covered with ice and the streams were frozen with little or no flowing water. NA days differed between lakes and streams as the lakes were covered with ice for longer time.
The csv file "Stream_DIC_concentrations" contains DIC concentrations measured in the station near the outlet of SRC, in µM. The file includes the dates when the measurements were made and other dates were omitted.
The csv file "Stream_DOC_concentrations" contains DOC concentrations measured in the station near the outlet of SRC, in mg/L. Multiple measurements were made in some days, and those are individual samples and not replicates. The file includes the dates when the measurements were made and other dates were omitted.
The csv file "Stream_gas_concentrations_k_SRC" contains mean values of the following (mean of all the measurements in the different stream reaches in SRC for the given day).
- measured pCO2 in µatm
- measured CH4 concentrations in µM
- modelled k values in m/d
NA indicates no data. See main text for details.
The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND in 2024. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Marcus B Wallin - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
Leif Klemedtsson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences
Patrick Crill - Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences and Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Research area
Earth and related environmental sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)