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Call for Papers: European User Conference Deadline for submission of abstracts (1000 words maximum): 31 October 2012. European Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) DwB partner GESIS, in...
… Conference in Mannheim, Germany, on 21 and 22 March 2013. Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, … The abstract should be informative, clearly state the research question, indicate the dataset(s) used and the …
Content: The school aims at providing training and hands-on experience on the tools for producing and managing 2D and 3D documentation for archaeological purposes, both for objects and for monuments/sites, including the related visualization tools...
… It is expected that each student will bring her/his own research project, so that practice can be made on case studies …
REF NR E 352 2042/10 med placering vid Svensk nationell datatjänst, SND. Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakultetsnämnden. Sista ansökningsdag: 2010-05-21 Arbetsuppgifter Du kommer huvudsakligen att fungera som stöd för föreståndaren i frågor som rör...
I år firar Dansk Demografisk Databas (DDD) sitt 20-årsjubileum. Projektet, som genom åren har engagerat tusen amatörhistoriker, har lett till ett unikt digitaliserat material av intresse för både vetenskap och släktforskning. I databasen finns för...
Drygt 8 000 medlemmar arbetar globalt inom Research Data Alliance (RDA) för att underlätta för forskare att dela och återanvända data. Av dessa medlemmar har 80 anknytning till Sverige, ett antal som SND hoppas ska öka betydligt om ansökan om att bli...
… Drygt 8 000 medlemmar arbetar globalt inom Research Data Alliance (RDA) för att underlätta för forskare …
CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) was established by the European Commission as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in 2012. In 2013, Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council) approved a proposal...
… by the European Commission as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in 2012. In 2013, Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council) approved a proposal for Swedish membership … at making language-based material available as primary research data to the humanities and social sciences (HSS) …
Swedish National Data Service (SND) will participate in several events during the IASSIST conference. For more detailed information, see the following links: DASISH: Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Science and the Humanities DDI Alliance...
Call for Papers: European User Conference European Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) DwB partner GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat, is organising its European User Conference in Mannheim, Germany, on 21 and 22 March 2013.
… Conference in Mannheim, Germany, on 21 and 22 March 2013. Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, … The abstract should be informative, clearly state the research question, indicate the dataset(s) used and the …
IASSIST 2014 (Ej angivet)
This year’s conference theme — “Aligning data and research infrastructure” — touches upon the international and interdisciplinary requirements of aligning data and research infrastructure. The 2013 OECD Global Science Forum report on New Data for...
… This year’s conference theme —  “Aligning data and research infrastructure”  — touches upon the international and interdisciplinary requirements of aligning data and research infrastructure. The 2013 OECD Global Science Forum … in all areas. What alignments are needed between data and research infrastructure to enable these possibilities? The …
Välkommen till ett arrangemang om verksamhetsarkitektur och forskningsdata! Skicklighet och kunnande är viktiga förutsättningar för en korrekt och framgångsrik hantering av forskningsdata. Verksamhetsarkitektur analyserar de förmågor som behövs för...