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Upptäck våra samlingar!

En samling består av studier som på något sätt hör ihop, antingen för att de ingår i samma serie, hör till samma forskningsinfrastruktur eller är genomförda under samma forskningsexpedition.

Vi tillhandahåller också specialsamlingarna “Svenska partiprogram och valmanifest” och Gallupinstitutets opinionsundersökningar från åren 1942-1956.

20 träffar 355 träffar på engelska

Din sökning "subject: "NATURAL ENVIRONMENT"" gav inga resultat. Visar resultat för ""subject: "NATURAL ENVIRONMENT""" istället.

Per sida:
  • Samling Environment for Development

Environment for Development (EfD) is a global network of environmental economics research centers solving the world’s most pressing environmental and development challenges. We contribute to effective management of the e...

Göteborgs universitet

  • Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey - Households

The Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey (EFD-DES) consists of a household survey and an enterprise survey that took place from the 29th of January to the 13th of February 2020. The survey work was fun...

  • Gunnar Köhlin, University of Gothenburg, Environment for Development, School of Business, Economics and Law
  • Marc Jeuland, Duke University, Global Health Institute
  • Martin Chegere, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Economics
  • +5
Publicerad: 2023-05-23
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey - Energy Enterprises

The Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey (EFD-DES) consists of a household survey and an enterprise survey that took place from the 29th of January to the 13th of February 2020. The survey work was fun...

  • Gunnar Köhlin, University of Gothenburg, Environment for Development, School of Business, Economics and Law
  • Marc Jeuland, Duke University, Global Health Institute
  • Martin Chegere, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Economics
  • +5
Publicerad: 2023-05-23
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Survey Data on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2013

The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household behavior regarding sustainable land use. Househ...

  • Zenebe Gebregziabher, Mekele University, Department of Economics
Publicerad: 2020-10-30
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Impacts of reducing water collection times in rural Kenya: Meru ESM RCT

We measured momentary well-being using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) among 220 water collectors in rural Meru County, Kenya over eight weeks. Subjects reported on affect and time use at four randomly-chosen times ...

  • Jane Kabubo-Mariara, Partnership for Economic Policy
  • Peter Kimuyu, Commission on Revenue Allocation, Government of Kenya
  • Joseph Cook, Washington State University, School of Economics
Publicerad: 2022-04-11
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Impacts of reducing water collection times in rural Kenya: School-aged Children

We measured momentary well-being using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) among 220 water collectors in rural Meru County, Kenya over eight weeks. Subjects reported on affect and time use at four randomly-chosen times ...

  • Jane Kabubo-Mariara, Partnership for Economic Policy
  • Peter Kimuyu, Commission on Revenue Allocation, Government of Kenya
  • Joseph Cook, Washington State University, School of Economics
Publicerad: 2022-04-11
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Common Pool Resources (CPR) - Survey on Communal Forestry/Woodlot: Institutional Characteristics Survey Data

The general objective of this survey is to study household behavior regarding communally managed forest resources. The data to be generated from this survey will be used by researchers... Community-level survey data on ...

  • Zenebe Gebregziabher, Mekele University, Economics Department
Publicerad: 2020-10-12
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Common Pool Resources (CPR) - Survey on Communal Forestry/Woodlot: Biophysical Attributes Survey Data

The general objective of this survey is to study household behavior regarding communally managed forest resources. The data to be generated from this survey will be used by researchers... Community-level survey data on ...

  • Zenebe Gebregziabher, Mekele University, Economics Department
Publicerad: 2020-10-12
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Göteborgs universitet

  • The impacts of devolution policy for mangrove forest management in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam - Mangrove and aquaculture

Mangrove forests are known to provide many ecological services and sources of livelihood to local community. The policy of contracting mangrove forest to households for management fails to conserve as farmers tend to con...

  • Dang Thuy Truong, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Publicerad: 2021-08-27
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Göteborgs universitet

  • The impacts of devolution policy for mangrove forest management in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam - Data devolution in commune level

Mangrove forests are known to provide many ecological services and sources of livelihood to local community. The policy of contracting mangrove forest to households for management fails to conserve as farmers tend to con...

  • Dang Thuy Truong, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Publicerad: 2021-08-27
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Göteborgs universitet

  • Masajernas hushålls och byars socioekonomiska status och beslut i Ngorongoro - undersökning av massajkvinnor och män och information på bynivå

UNESCOs världsarvslista Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) i Tanzania är ett välkänt exempel på utmaningarna med att förvalta ett naturskyddsområde för flera mål, inklusive att möta behoven hos invånare inom naturskyddso...

  • Heidi J Albers, University of Wyoming, School of Business, Economics department
Publicerad: 2023-09-08
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  • Data är fritt tillgängliga
  • Tillgång till data är begränsad eller efter beställning
  • Läs mer om våra tillgänglighetsnivåer.

Upptäck våra samlingar!

En samling består av studier som på något sätt hör ihop, antingen för att de ingår i samma serie, hör till samma forskningsinfrastruktur eller är genomförda under samma forskningsexpedition.

Vi tillhandahåller också specialsamlingarna “Svenska partiprogram och valmanifest” och Gallupinstitutets opinionsundersökningar från åren 1942-1956.