SSD 0442

               The Institute for Korean Election Studies

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                          GENERAL INFORMATION

    This election survey was conducted by the Institute for Korean
    Election Studies (IKES) under the auspices of the Central
    Election Management Committee. The research is the second
    product of the IKES survey based on national level. As a
    further continuation of IKES research, surveys are planned to
    be carried out at the time of the presidential and Korean
    Assembly elections.

    The survey was planned and conducted by the institute members,
    and the administrative matters were managed by Chong-Kook Yun
    (Gungmin University) and Hyun-Joo Kwon (Sungmyong Women's

    Sample districts and interview objects were drawn from all
    over the country except the Cheju-do, and from the eligible
    voters (over 20-year-old age) respectively. The sample size
    was 1200.

    Interviews were fully accomplished by the interviewers who
    were trained in the Hyundai Research Institute, one of the
    professional survey institutes in Korea. Oral interview method
    was adopted by visiting every household enlisted on the
    pollbook of constituency concerned. In the case that the
    selected respondents might not be interviewed for the reasons
    of disease, death, movement, and so on, such respondents were
    replaced to the alternative ones who were prepared in advance.

                             SAMPLE DESIGN

    The sample for the survey was drawn on the basis of the
    'Multistage Probability Sample Method'. At the first stage,
    the total sample size of 1200 were drawn and allocated with
    probability proportionate to electorate of the 6 large cities,
    small and medium-sized cities and communities (Cheju-do was

    At the second stage, the number of constituencies within which
    30 eligible voters were drawn were selected by random from
    'Shi' and 'Do'. For instance, 11 constituencies were selected
    in Seoul, 4 in Pusan, 2 in Taegu and Inchon, and 1 in Kwangju.

    Finally the individuals were drawn within each polling
    district based on the pollbook of the 14th Presidential


    Exemplet nedan visar hur en variabel vanligtvis beskrivs i
    denna kodbok. Siffrorna inom parentes förekommer inte i
    kodboken, utan är en hänvisning till den beskrivning som
    följer exemplet.

    (1) VAR 5   (2)INTEREST IN ELECTION  1  (3)LOC 13 WIDTH 1
                                               (4)MD= 9

      (6) 1  How much were you interested in the election?

      (7) ......................

           (8) (9)  (10)
           584  1.   Very interested
           468  2.   Somewhat interested
           124  3.   Not so much interested
            22  4.   Not interested at all

             2  9.   MD

    (1) Variabel- och referensnummer. Brukar vanligtvis vara
    identiska. Om kodboken hänvisar till ett subset av en större
    datamängd eller en omorganiserad datamängd anger
    referensnumret den ursprungliga datamängdens variabelnummer.

    (2) Variabelnamn. En förkortning eller summering av
    frågeställningen (max. 24 tecken).
    (3) Position. Visar variabelns läge i datamängden; i vilken
    kolumn den startar och hur många positioner den upptar.

    (4) Missing data. Anger vilka värden som betraktas som missing
    data för den aktuella variabeln.

    (5) Anger om data är numerisk eller alfabetisk.

    (6) Den exakta frågeformuleringen som den formulerats i
    frågeformuläret eller liknande.

    (7) Eventuella kommentarer eller anmärkningar.

    (8) Det absoluta antalet observationer för varje svarskategori

    (9) Kodvärden som kan förekomma för den aktuella variabeln.

    (10) Beskrivning av varje kodvärdes innehåll.

                           SSD DOKUMENTATION

    Dokumentationsarbetet har bedrivits med hjälp av ett
    datorbaserat dokumentationssystem utvecklat vid Svensk
    Samhällsvetenskaplig Datatjänst. Systemet kallas A-side,
    Archival System for Interoperable Data Exchange.

Variabel förteckning

1 SSD Study NR 0442 2 SSD Edition NR 1 3 SSD Part NR 001 4 ID-nummer 5 Interest in election 6 Conversation about the election 7 Election campaign: Election meeting 8 Election campaign: TV speech 9 Election campaign: Candidate TV advertisement 10 Experience of canvassing 11 Information source, 1 12 Information source, 2 13 Participation in election 14 Vote 15 Satisfaction of the candidates 16 Time of voting decision 17 Reason for voting 18 Influential factor for choice of candidate, 1 19 Influential factor for choice of candidate, 2 20 Most important issue, 1 21 Most important issue, 2 22 Reason for abstention 23 Presidential vote 1987 24 Party vote 1992 25 Difference in candidate policy and opinion 26 Candidate preference: Kim Young Sam 27 Candidate preference: Kim Dae Jung 28 Candidate preference: Jung Joo Young 29 Candidate preference: Lee Jong Chan 30 Candidate preference: Park Chan Jong 31 Candidate preference: Lee Byung Ho 32 Candidate preference: Kim Ok Sun 33 Candidate preference: Baik Ki Wan 34 Most morally clean candidate 35 Candidate with most democratic disposition 36 Most reliable candidate 37 Current economic situation 38 Party merge 39 Party identification 40 Evaluation of government role 41 Involvement in politics 42 Forecast of election result 43 Evaluation of politicians 44 Korean politics democratic 45 Household economy now 46 The state can not solve the poverty problem 47 Best political system for Korea 48 Best solution of farmers debt problem 49 Best solution of housing problem 50 Best way to unify Korea 51 Party orientation 52 Electoral fairness 53 Reason for fairness 54 Reason for unfairness 55 Consideration of fairness when voting 56 Desirable way for fair election 57 Taking money offered by candidates 58 Taking commodities offered by candidates 59 Eating lunch/dinner with candidates 60 Group-tour offered by candidates 61 Candidate promise in economic/material benefits 62 Mobilizing central or local government authorities 63 Pressure of senior staff at work 64 Reason for receiving candidate illegalities 65 Candidate illegalities impact on vote 66 Measures against illegal election campaign 67 Clean election campaign: TV 68 Clean election campaign: Radio 69 Clean election campaign: Newspaper 70 Clean election campaign: Magazine 71 Clean election campaign: Poster 72 Clean election campaign: Public information leaflet 73 Campaign effectiveness 74 Fairness of mass media 75 Fairness of the CEMC 76 Cabinet role for fair election management 77 Acceptance of election result 78 Education 79 Standard of living 80 Family income 81 Family hometown 82 Religion 83 Age 84 Occupation 85 Occupation: Head of family 86 Urban - rural 87 Sex 88 Type of respondent 89 City 90 Constituency

VAR 1  SSD STUDY NR 0442                           Loc 1  width 4

Swedish Social Science Data Service study 0442

VAR 2 SSD EDITION NR 1 Loc 5 width 1 November 1993
VAR 3 SSD PART NR 001 Loc 6 width 3 Korean Presidential Election 1992
VAR 4 ID-NUMMER Loc 9 width 4 ID-nummer
VAR 5 INTEREST IN ELECTION 1 Loc 13 width 1 MD=9 1 How much were you interested in the election? 584 1. Very interested 468 2. Somewhat interested 124 3. Not so much interested 22 4. Not interested at all 2 9. MD
VAR 6 TALK ABOUT ELECTION 2 Loc 14 width 1 MD=9 2 How often during the election campaign have you talked about the election with people surrounding you? 80 1. Very often 299 2. Often 420 3. Less often 257 4. More than never 141 5. Never 3 9. MD
VAR 7 ELECTION MEETING 3 Loc 15 width 1 3 Have you experienced the following during the election campaign? 3(1) Election meeting 266 1. Yes 934 5. No
VAR 8 EXPOSURE TV SPEECH 3 Loc 16 width 1 3(2) TV speech <Se F.3 för fullständig frågetext> 1084 1. Yes 116 5. No
VAR 9 CANDIDATE TV-AD 3 Loc 17 width 1 3(3) Candidate TV-advertisement <Se F.3 för fullständig frågetext> 854 1. Yes 346 5. No
VAR 10 CANVASSING 4 Loc 18 width 1 4 During the election campaign, have you ever met someone who resorted to vote certain party candidate? 221 1. Yes 979 5. No
VAR 11 CAND INFORMATION, 1 5 Loc 19 width 2 MD=99 5 What was the main source of your information of candidates and parties? 5(1) Information of candidates, 1 55 01. Hanging placard 204 02. Election wall newspaper 242 03. Party handbills 112 04. Candidate speech/debate 488 05. TV 4 06. Radio 62 07. Newspaper 24 08. Public publications 5 09. Conversation with others 4 99. MD
VAR 12 CAND INFORMATION, 2 5 Loc 21 width 2 MD=99 5(2) Information source, 2 <Se F.5 för fullständig frågetext> 3 01. Hanging placard 13 02. Election wall newspaper 21 03. Party handbills 32 04. Candidate speech/debate 436 05. TV 53 06. Radio 272 07. Newspaper 97 08. Public publications 214 09. Conversation with others 59 99. MD
VAR 13 ELECTION PARTICIPATION 6 Loc 23 width 1 6 Did you participate in the election? 1121 1. Participated 79 5. Not participated
VAR 14 VOTE 7 Loc 24 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 7 Whom did you vote for? 544 1. Kim Young Sam 327 2. Kim Dae Jung 115 3. Jung Ju Young 2 4. Lee Jong Chan 91 5. Park Chan Jong 1 7. Kim Ok Sun 11 8. Baik Ki Wan 79 0. INAP 30 9. MD
VAR 15 CAND SATISFACTION 8 Loc 25 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 8 When you selected a candidate, was there a candidate whom you willingly cast a ballot to? 846 1. Yes 267 5. No, but voted anyway 79 0. INAP 8 9. MD
VAR 16 TIME VOTING DECISION 9 Loc 26 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 9 When did you make up your mind to vote a candidate? 107 1. At election day 172 2. 1-3 days before election day 149 3. 4 days-1 week before election day 141 4. 1-2 weeks before election day 125 5. 2 weeks-1 month before election day 426 6. More than 1 month before election day 79 0. INAP 1 9. MD
VAR 17 REASON FOR VOTING 10 Loc 27 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 10 Why did you vote for the candidate? In other words, with what criteria did you vote? 163 1. Candidates party 348 2. Election promise of the candidate 525 3. Candidates capacity/human maturity etc, 31 4. For others prompt 49 5. No special reason 79 0. INAP 5 9. MD
VAR 18 INFL FACTOR VOTING, 1 11 Loc 28 width 2 MD= 0 or GE 99 11 Which factor was the most important for your choice of candidate? 11(1) Influential factor for choice of candidate, 1 295 01. Family 75 02. Friends 71 03. Neighbors 32 04. Work mates 147 05. Candidate speeches/debates 441 06. TV 6 07. Radio 42 08. Newspaper 3 09. Various political AD 79 00. INAP 9 99. MD
VAR 19 INFL FACTOR VOTING, 2 11 Loc 30 width 2 MD= 0 or GE 99 11(2) Influential factor for choice of candidate, 2 <Se F.11 för fullständig frågetext> 2 01. Family 15 02. Friends 20 03. Neighbors 8 04. Work mates 32 05. Candidate speeches/debates 393 06. TV 28 07. Radio 292 08. Newspaper 267 09. Various political AD 79 00. INAP 64 99. MD
VAR 20 IMPORTANT ISSUE 1 12 Loc 32 width 2 MD= 0 or GE 99 12 When you selected a candidate, which issue did you have in mind as the most important thing? 12(1) Most important issue, 1 421 01. Price stability 171 02. Clean politics 148 03. Government change 176 04. Stability in politics 131 05. Economic development 12 06. Regional harmony 22 07. Housing problem 22 08. Agricultural problem 2 09. Heated real estate market 2 10. The rich & poor disparity 2 11. Finishing Two-Kim dominance 3 14. Other 79 00. INAP 9 99. MD
VAR 21 IMPORTANT ISSUE 2 12 Loc 34 width 2 MD= 0 or GE 99 12(2) Most important issue, 2 <Se F.12 för fullständig frågetext> 0 01. Price stability 28 02. Clean politics 68 03. Government change 149 04. Stability in politics 309 05. Economic development 61 06. Regional harmony 80 07. Housing problem 182 08. Agricultural problem 18 09. Heated real estate market 99 10. The rich & poor disparity 36 11. Finishing Two-Kim dominance 10 12. Amending constitution 43 13. National Security 14 14. Other 79 00. INAP 24 99. MD
VAR 22 REASON ABSTAIN 13 Loc 36 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 13 (DID NOT VOTE) For what reason did you abstain from the election? 8 1. Because there is no candidate I support 6 2. Because my vote does not play any important role for the election result 4 3. Because of no interest 6 4. Because people like me do not make any impact on the politics 50 5. Because of personal reason 1121 0. INAP 5 9. MD
VAR 23 1987 PRESIDENT VOTE 14 Loc 37 width 1 MD=9 14 In the 1987 presidential election, which candidate did you vote for? 426 1. Roh Tae Woo 261 2. Kim Young Sam 257 3. Kim Dae Jung 70 4. Kim Jong Pil 7 5. Others 61 6. Did not vote 104 7. Not eligible to vote 14 9. MD
VAR 24 PARTY VOTE 1992 15 Loc 38 width 2 MD=99 15 Which party did you vote for in the 1992 National Assembly Election? 531 01. Democratic Liberal Party 320 02. Democratic Party 103 03. Unification National Party 26 04. New Politics Reform Party 9 05. Peoples Party 3 06. Kongmin Dang 61 07. Independents 109 08. Did not vote 16 09. Not eligible to vote 22 99. MD
VAR 25 DIFF IN CAND POLICY 16 Loc 40 width 1 MD=9 16 Do you think that there were large differences between candidate policy and opinion? 132 1. Very large 532 2. Large 488 3. Not so large 26 4. Not large at all 22 9. MD
VAR 26 PREF: KIM YOUNG SAM 17 Loc 41 width 1 MD=9 17(1) How much do you like the candidate Kim Young Sam 329 1. Very much 382 2. Much 161 3. Little 164 4. Very little 138 8. DK 26 9. MD
VAR 27 PREF: KIM DAE JUNG 17 Loc 42 width 1 MD=9 17(2) How much do you like the candidate Kim Dae Jung 235 1. Very much 278 2. Much 266 3. Little 214 4. Very little 178 8. DK 29 9. MD
VAR 28 PREF: JUNG JOO YOUNG 17 Loc 43 width 1 MD=9 17(3) How much do you like the candidate Jung Joo Young? 60 1. Very much 284 2. Much 305 3. Little 244 4. Very little 270 8. DK 37 9. MD
VAR 29 PREF: LEE JONG CHAN 17 Loc 44 width 1 MD=9 17(4) How much do you like the candidate Lee Jong Chan 54 1. Very much 216 2. Much 204 3. Little 263 4. Very little 403 8. DK 60 9. MD
VAR 30 PREF: PARK CHAN JONG 17 Loc 45 width 1 MD=9 17(5) How much do you like the candidate Park Chan Jong 243 1. Very much 411 2. Much 104 3. Little 57 4. Very little 345 8. DK 40 9. MD
VAR 31 PREF: LEE BYUNG HO 17 Loc 46 width 1 MD=9 17(6) How much do you like the candidate Lee Byung Ho 4 1. Very much 39 2. Much 129 3. Little 160 4. Very little 823 8. DK 45 9. MD
VAR 32 PREF: KIM OK SUN 17 Loc 47 width 1 MD=9 17(7) How much do you like the candidate Kim Ok Sun 15 1. Very much 57 2. Much 134 3. Little 166 4. Very little 786 8. DK 42 9. MD
VAR 33 PREF: BAIK KI VAN 17 Loc 48 width 1 MD=9 17(8) How much do you like the candidate Baik Ki Wan 32 1. Very much 125 2. Much 140 3. Little 212 4. Very little 648 8. DK 43 9. MD
VAR 34 MORALLY CLEAN CAND 18 Loc 49 width 1 MD=9 18 Which candidate do you think is most morally clean? 392 1. Kim Young Sam 310 2. Kim Dae Jung 33 3. Jung Ju Young 460 8. DK 5 9. MD
VAR 35 DEM DISP OF CAND 19 Loc 50 width 1 MD=9 19 Which candidate do you think has the most democratic disposition? 455 1. Kim Young Sam 328 2. Kim Dae Jung 45 3. Jung Ju Young 367 8. DK 5 9. MD
VAR 36 RELIABEL CAND 20 Loc 51 width 1 MD=9 20 Which candidate do you think is most reliable? 519 1. Kim Young Sam 297 2. Kim Dae Jung 73 3. Jung Ju Young 305 8. DK 6 9. MD
VAR 37 ECONOMIC SITUATION 21 Loc 52 width 1 MD=9 21 What do you feel about the economic situation under the recent two years? 25 1. Has been much better 91 2. Has been a little better 325 3. The same as always 363 4. Has been a little worse 391 5. Has been much worse 5 9. MD
VAR 38 PARTY MERGE 22 Loc 53 width 1 MD=9 22 How do you estimate the party fusion? 69 1. Very well done 313 2. Moderately well done 298 3. Moderately not well done 175 4. Extremely not well done 342 8. DK 3 9. MD
VAR 39 PARTY IDENTIFICATION 23 Loc 54 width 1 MD=9 23 Which party do you feel closest to? 470 1. Democratic Liberal party 324 2. Democratic Party 70 3. Unification national Party 44 4. New politics reform Party 7 5. Others 269 6. None 16 9. MD
VAR 40 GOVERNMENT ROLE 24 Loc 55 width 1 MD=9 24 How well do you think the government take care of politics? 12 1. Very well 362 2. Moderately well 685 3. Moderately poorly 128 4. Very poorly 13 9. MD
VAR 41 INVOLVEMENT POLITICS 27 Loc 56 width 1 MD=9 27 How much do you agree to such statements as follows: "Persons like me do not have anything to do with politics"? 107 1. Completely agree 493 2. Somewhat agree 427 3. Somewhat not agree 163 4. Completely not agree 10 9. MD
VAR 42 FORECAST OF RESULT 26 Loc 57 width 1 MD=9 26 Before the election, how did you forecast the election result? 231 1. Victory with clear margin 585 2. Victory with small margin 374 3. Impossible to forecast 10 9. MD
VAR 43 ASSESSM POLITICIANS 27 Loc 58 width 1 MD=9 27 How well do you think the politicians take care of politics? 9 1. Very well 282 2. Moderately well 730 3. Moderately poorly 166 4. Very poorly 13 9. MD
VAR 44 ASSESSM OF DEMOCRACY 28 Loc 59 width 1 MD=9 28 How about the politics in general? Do you think Korean politics is democratic or undemocratic? 31 1. Very democratic 636 2. Somewhat democratic 439 3. Somewhat undemocratic 80 4. Very undemocratic 14 9. MD
VAR 45 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY 29 Loc 60 width 1 29 How do you feel about the household economy in comparison to that of one/two years ago? 14 1. Much better 173 2. Somewhat better 696 3. Same all the time 200 4. Somewhat worse 117 5. Much worse
VAR 46 EVALUATION REDISTRIB 30 Loc 61 width 1 MD=9 30 Do you agree to the saying that even state can not solve the poverty problem? 152 1. Completely agree 412 2. Somewhat agree 505 3. Somewhat disagree 118 4. Completely disagree 13 9. MD
VAR 47 POLITICAL SYSTEM 31 Loc 62 width 1 MD=9 31 Which political system do you think is the most desirable in Korea? 408 1. Presidential system 109 3. Does not matter 335 5. Parliamentary system 342 8. DK 6 9. MD
VAR 48 FARMERS DEBT 32 Loc 63 width 1 MD=9 32 Which measure is the best way to solve the farmers debt problem? 140 1. Complete write off 885 2. More investment for agriculture 27 3. Withhold current policy 145 8. DK 3 9. MD
VAR 49 EVALUATION HOUSING 33 Loc 64 width 1 MD=9 33 What do you think is the best way to solve current housing problem? 287 1. Supply with low price 715 2. Supply for small apt with low price 58 3. Withhold current policy 138 8. DK 2 9. MD
VAR 50 SOUTH NORTH UNIFICAT 34 Loc 65 width 1 MD=9 34 What do you think is the best way to unify two Korea? 127 1. South absorbs North 593 2. South leads process with North's acceptance 463 3. South and North compromise 17 9. MD
VAR 51 PARTY ORIENTATION 35 Loc 66 width 1 MD=9 35 Are you "Government party oriented" or "Opposition party oriented" ? 213 1. Government party oriented 247 2. Somewhat government oriented 325 3. Middle of the road 279 4. Somewhat opposition oriented 128 5. Opposition party oriented 8 9. MD
VAR 52 ELECT FAIRNESS 35 Loc 67 width 1 MD=9 36 In comparison to the previous 14th general election, how do you estimate this years presidential election? Was it fair or unfair for all parties? 134 1. Very fair 792 2. Somewhat fair 243 3. Somewhat unfair 29 4. Very unfair 2 9. MD
VAR 53 REASON FOR FAIRNESS 37 Loc 68 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 37 (ALTERNATIVE 1 OR 2 IN Q36) Why do you think the election was fair? 96 1. Satisfied with election campaign of party, candidates, and canvasser 449 2. Satisfied with enhanced "Fair play spirit" of the electorate 134 3. Satisfied with lessened interference of government authorities 59 4. Fair mass media 94 5. Vigilant and fair election management of the CEMC 28 6. Fair judiciary measures 37 7. Enforced civil and social group vigilance 274 0. INAP 29 9. MD
VAR 54 REASON FOR UNFAIRNESS 38 Loc 69 width 2 MD= 0 or GE 99 38 ( ALTERNATIVE 3 OR 4 IN Q36) Why do you think election was unfair? Which item below could be most plausible reason for your assessment if unfairness? 66 01. Illegality of candidate/party 72 02. Illegality of voters 8 03. Low political standards of the citizens 55 04. Electoral intervention of public administrative bodies 30 05. Partial election campaign 6 06. Coverage of the press unfairness in election management 18 07. Passive activity and measures of Judiciary and Police 9 08. Unreliable election promise of the candidates and parties 3 09. Other reasons 928 00. INAP 5 99. MD
VAR 55 FAIRNESS IN VOTING 39 Loc 71 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 39 Did you consider fairness or unfairness of candidates election campaign when you selected a candidate? 203 1. Yes, much 622 2. Yes, somewhat 215 3. No, not so much 77 4. No, not at all 79 0. INAP 4 9. MD
VAR 56 WAY FOR FAIR ELECTION 40 Loc 72 width 1 MD=9 40 What do you think of best way for enhancing "Fair-play spirit" in Korean election politics is? 198 1. More active public information service of CEMC 100 2. Information and enlightenment through school education 521 3. Active role of mass media 364 4. Social movement of citizens 17 9. MD
VAR 57 TAKING MONEY 41 Loc 73 width 1 41 Have you experienced such kinds of illegalities during the election campaign? Please answer to all items. 41(1) Experience of taking money offered by candidates? 12 1. Yes 1188 5. No
VAR 58 TAKING COMMODITIES 41 Loc 74 width 1 41(2) Experience of taking commodities offered by candidates? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 46 1. Yes 1154 5. No
VAR 59 EATING LUNCH/DINNER 41 Loc 75 width 1 41(3) Experience of eating lunch/dinner with candidates? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 75 1. Yes 1125 5. No
VAR 60 GROUP-TOUR 41 Loc 76 width 1 41(4) Experience of group-tour offered by candidates? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 7 1. Yes 1193 5. No
VAR 61 ECONOMIC BENEFITS 41 Loc 77 width 1 41(5) Experience of candidate promise in economic/material benefits? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 1 1. Yes 1199 5. No
VAR 62 MOBILIZING AUTHORITY 41 Loc 78 width 1 41(6) Experience of mobilizing central or local government authorities? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 31 1. Yes 1169 5. No
VAR 63 SENIOR STAFFS AT WORK 41 Loc 79 width 1 41(7) Pressure of senior staff at work? <Se F.41 för fullständig frågetext> 18 1. Yes 1182 5. No
VAR 64 REASON ILLEGALITIES 42 Loc 80 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 42 (RECEIVED ANY KIND OF CANDIDATE ILLEGALITIES) Is there any reason why you received the illegally offered gods/services/benefits? 2 1. For money 16 2. Because the candidate I supported offered me 27 3. Because there was no meaning as usual 6 4. Because he insisted 14 5. Because I could not know the real meaning disguised 34 6. Because I could not refuse 19 7. For others prompt 1057 0. INAP 25 9. MD
VAR 65 IMPACT ON VOTE 65 Loc 81 width 1 MD=0 or GE 9 43 (RECEIVED ANY KIND OF CANDIDATE ILLEGALITIES) How did you vote? Choose one item below 5 1. I voted for the candidate 108 2. It did not play any important role to select a candidate 3 3. I voted another candidate because I felt unpleasant 1 4. I felt so infringed that I gave up to vote 1056 0. INAP 27 9. MD
VAR 66 URGENT MEASURES 44 Loc 82 width 1 MD=9 44 What kind of measures should be taken against illegal election campaign? 467 1. Respect for law of canvassers 352 2. Refusal to illegal campaigning of the voters 93 3. Taking preventive measures and punishing severely illegal activities 85 4. More active role of the CEMC 180 5. Vigilant surveillance of society 23 9. MD
VAR 67 CEMC COVER: TV 45 Loc 83 width 1 45 Have you ever read/listened to any kind of public campaign program, article, publication on TV/radio or in newspapers, magazine, poster, public information leaflet for clear election run by the central election management committee (CEMC)? Please answer to all items below 45(1) TV 1077 1. Yes 123 5. No
VAR 68 CEMC COVER: RADIO 45 Loc 84 width 1 45(2) Radio <Se F.45 för fullständig frågetext> 414 1. Yes 786 5. No
VAR 69 CEMC COVER: NEWSPAPER 45 Loc 85 width 1 45(3) Newspaper <Se F.45 för fullständig frågetext> 765 1. Yes 435 5. No
VAR 70 CEMC COVER: MAGAZINE 45 Loc 86 width 1 45(4) Magazine <Se F.45 för fullständig frågetext> 182 1. Yes 1018 5. No
VAR 71 CEMC COVER: POSTER 45 Loc 87 width 1 45(5) Poster <Se F.45 för fullständig frågetext> 625 1. Yes 575 5. No
VAR 72 CEMC COVER: LEAFLET 45 Loc 88 width 1 45(6) Public information leaflet <Se F.45 för fullständig frågetext> 458 1. Yes 742 5. No
VAR 73 CAMPAIGN EFFECTIVE 46 Loc 89 width 1 MD=9 46 How do you estimate the role of CEMC for fostering fairness of election campaign? Do you think it was effective, moderately effective, moderately ineffective, or very ineffective? 156 1. Very effective 713 2. Moderately effective 277 3. Moderately ineffective 29 4. Very ineffective 25 9. MD
VAR 74 FAIRNESS OF MASSM 47 Loc 90 width 1 MD=9 47 How do you evaluate campaign coverage of the mass media? 48 1. Extremely fair 712 2. Somewhat fair 372 3. Somewhat unfair 53 4. Extremely unfair 15 9. MD
VAR 75 FAIRNESS CEMC 48 Loc 91 width 1 MD=9 48 How fairly do you think CEMC executed its role during election campaign? 104 1. Very fairly 834 2. Moderately fairly 230 3. Moderately unfairly 18 4. Very unfairly 14 9. MD
VAR 76 CABINET ROLE 49 Loc 92 width 1 MD=9 49 What do you think of the cabinets role for fair election management? 86 1. Extremely satisfied 706 2. Somewhat satisfied 349 3. Somewhat unsatisfied 34 4. Extremely unsatisfied 25 9. MD
VAR 77 RESULT ACCEPTANCE 50 Loc 93 width 1 MD=9 50 Election was over and a new president was elected. At this point, how did you feel about the result of the election? 758 1. Absolutely accepted 389 2. Unsatisfied, but accepted 26 3. Difficult to accept 18 4. Never accepted 9 9. MD
VAR 78 EDUCATION 51 Loc 94 width 1 MD=9 51 What is your level of education? 236 1. Under elementary school 205 2. Middle school 439 3. High school 320 4. Over university 0 9. MD
VAR 79 STANDARD OF LIVING 52 Loc 95 width 1 52 What do you think of your standard of living? 6 1. Well off 67 2. Somewhat well off 836 3. Neither well off nor poor 241 4. Somewhat poor 50 5. Poor
VAR 80 FAMILY INCOME 53 Loc 96 width 1 53 How much is your family income? (in 1000 WON) 137 1. Under 400 116 2. 400-590 206 3. 600-790 205 4. 800-890 281 5. 1000-1290 117 6. 1300-1590 56 7. 1600-1890 35 8. 1900-2190 47 9. over 2200
VAR 81 HOMETOWN OF FAMILY 54 Loc 97 width 2 54 What is your grandfathers hometown?(Where is your family originally from?) 129 01. Seoul 131 02. Kyonki 63 03. Kangwon 127 04. Choongnam 77 05. Choonkgbuk 144 06. Chonnam 94 07. Conbuk 232 08. Kyongnam 187 09. Kyongbuk 1 10. Cheju 15 11. Northern provinces
VAR 82 RELIGION 55 Loc 99 width 1 MD=9 55 What is your religion? 364 1. Buddhism 268 2. Christian 108 3. Catholic 16 4. Confucianism 4 5. Chondo Kyo (Korean traditional religion) 1 6. Wonbul Kyo (Korean traditional religion) 434 7. None 5 9. MD
VAR 83 AGE 56 Loc 100 width 2 56 Age 20. 20 years . . 92. 92 years Kod: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Frek: 17 36 23 20 36 33 31 32 40 35 32 30 34 33 41 39 46 28 Kod: 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Frek: 29 25 33 25 27 18 22 32 19 21 16 17 19 16 17 22 20 12 Kod: 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Frek: 20 16 14 16 14 13 7 6 6 12 6 9 9 10 9 4 8 3 Kod: 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 92 Frek: 4 3 5 8 6 1 3 5 2 2 2 1
VAR 84 OCCUPATION 57 Loc 102 width 2 57 What is your occupation? (In such a case that respondent does not work, please give the same name as the head of family's occupation) 57(1) Respondent 2 01. Doctor 5 02. Pharmacist/nurse 1 04. Professor/researcher 29 05. Teacher/private school teacher 2 06. Employee in mass media 10 07. Engineer 2 08. Clergyman 2 09. Artist 28 12. Middle-ranked public official (grade 5 and below) 1 13. Career mil. officer (HT Major) 1 14. Career mil. officer (LT Major) 8 15. Lowly ranked public official temporarily employed public 5 16. Official 4 21. Employer (high-ranked manager) 30 22. Middle-ranked manager 115 23. Clerical workers 13 24. Small/medium-sized firm owner 108 31. Small shop owner 35 32. Restaurant/Motel/Laundry owner 4 33. House, building broker 23 34. Shop clerk 10 35. Cook/barber/cosmetician 11 36. Peddler/street seller 3 37. Maid/dairy product deliver 10 41. Supervisor 13 42. Skilled worker 28 43. Industry worker 23 44. Driver/heavy equipment operator 23 45. Simple laborer/odd-jobber 7 46. Home worker 8 51. Rich farmer (over 6000 pyong) 41 52. Upper middle farmer (3000-5999 pyong) 43 53. Lower middle farmer (1500-2999 pyong) 33 54. Poor farmer (under 1500 pyong) 1 55. Crewman/fisherman 8 56. Dairy worker/dairy producer 75 61. Student 279 62. Housewife 137 63. Jobless 5 64. Veteran/pensioner 8 65. Military service in duty 6 66. Other
VAR 85 OCCUPATION: HEAD FAM 57 Loc 104 width 2 MD=99 57(1) Head of family <Se F.57 för fullständig frågetext> SEE VARIABLE 84 FOR COMPLETE CODE SCHEME 01. Doctor . . 66. Other 26 99. MD Kod: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 Frek: 5 5 3 38 4 16 2 3 2 59 2 2 12 Kod: 16 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 Frek: 7 9 75 139 27 170 48 9 17 10 16 2 13 Kod: 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 Frek: 17 24 43 49 6 9 72 95 54 2 8 2 8 Kod: 63 64 65 66 99 Frek: 65 15 1 9 26
VAR 86 URBAN - RURAL 3 Loc 106 width 1 3 City scale 594 1. Metropolitan 322 2. Small/medium city 284 3. Community
VAR 87 SEX 4 Loc 107 width 1 4 Sex 582 1. Man 618 2. Woman
VAR 88 TYPE OF RESPONDENT 5 Loc 108 width 1 5 Type of respondent 735 1. Respondent drawn by scheme 382 2. First alternative respondent 83 3. Second alternative respondent
VAR 89 CITY 1 Loc 109 width 2 1 City 308 01. Seoul 106 02. Busan 64 03. Taegu 54 04. Inchon 33 05. Kwangju 29 06. Taejon 174 07. Kyongkido 43 08. Kangwondo 38 09. Choongbuk 53 10. Choongnam 57 11. Chonbuk 58 12. Chonnam 81 13. Kyongbuk 102 14. Kyongnam
VAR 90 CONSTITUENCY 2 Loc 111 width 2 2 Constituency 28 01. Yongsan-Ku 28 02. Tongdaemun-Ku 28 03. Seongbuk-Ku 28 04. Nowon-Ku 28 05. Seodaemun-Ku 28 06. Yangchun-Ku 28 07. Kuro-Ku 28 08. Tongjak-Ku 28 09. Seocho-ku 28 10. Songpa-Ku 28 11. Kangdong-Ku 27 12. Busan Jin-Ku 27 13. Busan Dongrae-Ku 26 14. Busan Buk-Ku 26 15. Busan Kangseo-Ku 32 16. Taegu Nam-Ku 32 17. Taegu Dalseo-Ku 27 18. Inchon Namdong-Ku 27 19. Inchon Seo-Ku 33 20. Kwangju Kwangsan-Kun 29 21. Daejon Daedeok-Ku 31 22. Kyongki Suwon-Shi 31 23. Kyongki Anyang-Shi 31 24. Kyongki Kwangmyong-Shi 31 25. Kyongki Shiheung-Shi 25 26. Kyongki Paju-Kun 25 27. Kyongki Yangpyong-Kun 23 28. Kangwon Chunchun-Shi 20 29. Kangwon Yanggu-Kun 19 30. Choongbuk Chonju-Shi 19 31. Choongbuk Yongdong-Kun 14 32. Chongnan-Shi 39 33. Chongnam Buyeo-Kun 30 34. Chongbun Jeonju-Shi 27 35. Chonnam Jinan-Kun 21 36. Chonnam Mokpo-Shi 37 37. Chonnam Koheung-Kun 30 38. Kyongbuk Pohang-Shi 25 39. Kyongbuk Sangju-Kun 26 40. Kyongnam Bongwha-Kun 30 41. Kyongnam Jinju-Shi 31 42. Kyongnam Changwon-Shi 21 43. Kyongnam Eolsan-Kun 20 44. Kyongnam Eoryung-Kun