# Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2023 - Survey response data. A report on this survey has been published as: Ocean Data Factory Sweden (2024). Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2023. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10684858 Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2023 aimed to highlight the trends, technologies, and challenges in using ocean data in Sweden in 2023. Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2023 was an online survey conducted 5 December 2023 to 15 January 2024. The survey was anonymous and contained 32 multiple choice questions. The survey was launched in a mail-out to the Ocean Data Factory Sweden email contact list (which contained a link to the survey), which was then re-shared by recipients to their own contact networks. The survey included both questions about the respondent's individual relation with ocean data (eg "Approximately how many years of experience with ocean data do you have?") and about the respondent's organization (eg. "What is the main type of ocean data your organisation collects?"), but because the survey was anonymous there was no way to limit responses to one-response-per-organization. The responses are subjective self-assessments, not necessarily corresponding with the official view of the organizations these individuals work at. Twenty-five individuals responded, a few choosing not to respond all questions. This dataset contains the following files: ## README.md This file. ## questions_and_pre-provided_answers.txt The survey questions, along with pre-provided answers. The file is formatted as repeating sequences of: Q#: Question text Answer 1 text Answer 2 text etc. ## Ocean Data Survey Sweden 2023.xlsx Data file containing the survey responses. The ID variable is included for convenience and does not correspond to any ID variable in the original survey dataset. For questions where it was possible to select multiple answers, all provided answers for each respondent are given in each cell, separated by a ";" In cases where the option "Annat" (Swedish for "Other") or "Other (please specify)" was available, freetext answers could be provided. Such answers are included in the data file just as any pre-provided answers. That is, it is not possible to determine from the data file alone which answers were in response to "Annat" and which were the respondent choosing a pre-provided answer. To determine this, you would have to cross-reference back to the *questions_and_pre-provided_answers.txt* file to see if the answer was pre-provided.