Gender and preferences in a random sample - A combined experiment and survey study focusing on gender and economic preferences, loss from the telephone interviews
SND-ID: snd1021-3. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Astri Muren - Stockholm University, Department of Economics
Research principal
Stockholm University
- Department of Economics
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to this population. In addition, we have a high response rate, and can detect no differences between non-response and response groups by the comparison variables we have access to. In all relevant respects, we have a representative sample of the Swedish population, and one of the larger samples in the experimental economics literature.
The experimental data measures preferences in a broad range of standard incentivized decisions related to altruism, fairness, cooperation, trust, coordination, risk and competitiveness. Different treatments vary the salience of the participant’s own gender, as well as the gender of the counterpart. While gender differences in previous experimental studies typically are studied without controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, we have data on age, gender income and education and other sociodemographic variables.
The purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in
The experimental data measures preferences in a broad range of standard incentivized decisions related to altruism, fairness, cooperation, trust, coordination, risk and competitiveness. Different treatments vary the salience of the participant’s own gender, as well as the gender of the counterpart. While gender differences in previous experimental studies typically are studied without controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, we have data on age, gender income and education and other sociodemographic variables.
The purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in a wide range of economic preferences in a representative sample. We will use a battery of standard games typically used in experimental economics and psychology, as well as common measures of risk preferences, competitiveness and time preferences. We will explore the same games and measures in three contexts, i.e with three settings, designed to explore different aspects of potential gender differences. These three settings will be investigated using three different treatments for each game and measure.
The survey is an OSU of the Swedish population aged 18-73 years from 2011-08-19. It has been implemented by two methods, telephone interviews and distribution of printed questionnaires.
Of the sample, 2349 respondents answered by telephone.
Loss Accounting
Phone Part Amount:
Gross Selection: 2349.
Net Selection (with phone numbers): 2023.
Completed interviews: 1003.
Refusal - Do not want to participate: 623.
Covering - Not included in the target group, for example, due to illness, language difficulties, improper selection information, deceased: 106.
No contact for at least 14 attempts to contact: 290. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Sampling procedure
• By phone: 2349 records
• By mail surveys: 800 records
Time period(s) investigated
2011-08-01 – 2012-11-30
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Stockholm County, Uppsala County, Södermanland County, Östergötland County, Jönköping County, Kronoberg County, Kalmar County, Gotland County, Blekinge County, Skåne County, Halland County, Västra Götaland County, Värmland County, Örebro County, Västmanland County, Dalarna County, Gävleborg County, Västernorrland County, Jämtland County, Västerbotten County, Norrbotten County
Responsible department/unit
Department of Economics
Ethics Review
Stockholm - Ref. 2011/890-31/5
Research area
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Demography (population, vital statistics, and censuses) (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Economics (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Anne Boschini, Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren, Eva Ranehill, Gender, risk preferences and willingness to compete in a random sample of the Swedish population, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 83, 2019, 101467, ISSN 2214-8043, <>
Anne Boschini, Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren, Eva Ranehill,
Gender and altruism in a random sample,
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,
Volume 77,
Pages 72-77,
ISSN 2214-8043,